
The Scholars at Risk (SAR) has recently launched a global monitoring system to identify, track, and analyse attacks on academic freedom and university values. Using the information gathered through the monitoring system, SAR aims to build awareness and develop targeted advocacy responses to key attacks, ultimately enhancing protection for academic freedom and improving condition for higher education communities worldwide.

From 3 to 5 April, Scholars at Risk, with the support from the Centre for Human Rights, University of Pretoria will convene its global team of monitors to evaluate the monitoring system’s progress to date, and build on the advancement already made.

Key meeting objectives will include: enhancing existing tools to ensure accuracy and quality in reporting, building protocols to ensure monitors’ and sources’ safety in the reporting process, developing advocacy strategies to respond to key incidents, and identify partners (such as lawyers and NGOs) to help advance the goals of the project.

The meeting will take place at the Moot Court Room, Faculty of Law, University of Pretoria. The event will start on Wednesday, 3 April at 9:00am and end on Friday, 5 April at 12:00.

For more on Scholars at Risk, see www.scholarsatrisk.org or email: scholarsatrisk@nyu.edu