
Sewagegnehu Taye TILA

Country / Where did you grow up:

Academic qualifications:
BA degree in international trade and investment management, Adama Science and Technology University, Ethiopia

I have four years and three months of experience as a banker at Zemen bank. Zemen bank is one of the private banks in Ethiopia. I joined the bank by November 2014 as a Teller. In my of stay at Zemen bank I worked in the following positions:
1. Teller, from November 2014- February 2017
2. Personal banker, from March 2017- June 2017
3. Customer service officer III, from July 2017 - October 2018
4. Innovation and change management officer, From November 2018- January 2019 

Position prior to the programme:
Innovation and Change management Officer

Gmail Logosewagegnehu22@gmail.com