
705/18 Emil Touray and Saikou .Jammeh (represented by IHRDA and Sagar .Jahateh) v The Republic of The Gambia

670/17 Fadhl Al Mawla Husni Ahmed Ismail and 19 Ors(represented by Freedom and Justice Party of Egypt) v Arab Republic of Egypt

661/17 Amir Fam & 141 Others v. Egypt

658/17 Shereen Said Hamd Bakhet v Arab Republic of Egypt

656/17 Anas Ahmed Kahlifa v Egypt

653/17 Desmond Nunugwo v Nigeria

368/09 – Abdel Hadi, Ali Radi & Others v Republic of Sudan

355/07 - Hossam Ezzat & Rania Enayet (represented by Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights & INTERIGHTS) v The Arab Republic of Egypt

351/2007- Givemore Chari (represented by Gabriel Shumba) v Republic of Zimbabwe

349/07 Simon Weldehaimanot v. Eritrea

344/07 – George Iyanyori Kajikabi v. The Arab Republic of Egypt

340/07 - Nixon Nyikadzino (represented by Zimbabwe Human Rights NGOForum) v. Zimbabwe

339/2007: Patrick Okiring and Agupio Samson (represented by Human Rights Network and ISIS-WICCE) v. Republic of Uganda

336/2007 – AFTRADEMOP and Global Welfare Association (on behalf of the Moko-oh Indigenous Peoples of Cameroon) v. Cameroon

335/2006- Dabalorivhuwa Patriotic Front v the Republic of South Africa

331/06 [R] - Kamanakao Association, Reteng & Minority Rights Group v. The Republic of Botswana

328/06 – Front for the Liberation of the State of Cabinda v Republic of Angola

325/06 – Organisation Mondiale Contre la Torture et Ligue de la Zone Afrique pour la Défense des Droits des Enfants et Elèves (pour le compte de Céline) c.République Démocratique du Congo

323/06: Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights and INTERIGHTS v Egypt

322/2006 Tsatsu Tsikata v. Republic of Ghana

321/2006 – Law Society of Zimbabwe et al/ Zimbabwe

320/06 - Pierre Mamboundou c. Gabon

319/06 - Interights & Ditshwanelo v. The Republic of Botswana

318/06 – Open Society Justice Initiative v. Côte d’Ivoire

317/2006 – The Nubian Community in Kenya vs The Republic of Kenya

305/05 - ARTICLE 19 and Others v Zimbabwe

301/05 – Haregewoin Gabre-Selassie and IHRDA (on behalf of former Dergue Officials/Ethiopia)

295/04: Noah Kazingachire, John Chitsenga, Elias Chemvura and Batanai Hadzisi (represented by Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum v Zimbabwe

290/2004 – Open Society Justice Initiative (on behalf of Pius Njawe Noumeni) v. the Republic of Cameroon

289/2004 – Mr Brahima Koné and Mr Tiéoulé Diarra vs Côte d’Ivoire

288/04 Gabriel Shumba v Zimbabwe

286 /2004 – Dino Noca vs Democratic Republic of the Congo

285/2004: Mr Kizila Watumbulwa/ Democratic Republic of the Congo

278/2003 - Promoting Justice for Women and Children (PROJUST NGO) vs. Democratic Republic of Congo

277/2003-Spilg and Mack & DITSHWANELO (on behalf of Lehlohonolo Bernard Kobedi) v. Botswana

274/03 and 282/03 – Interights, ASADHO and Madam O. Disu v. Democratic Republic of Congo

260/2002 - Bakweri Land Claims Committee (BLCC) v. Cameroon (Review on Admissibility)

259/02 Working Group on Strategic Legal Cases v. Democratic Republic of Congo

104/94-109/94_126/94 Centre of the Independence of Judges and Lawyers / Algeria

57/91 Tanko Bariga v. Nigeria

53/90 Alberto T Capitao v. Tanzania

35/89 Seyoum Ayele v. Togo

5/89-47/90-56/91-100/93 Free Legal Assistance Group,Lawyers' Committee for Human Rights, UnionInterafricaine des Droits de l'Homme, Les Témoins de Jehovah / DRC

15/88 Mpaka-Nsusu Andre Alphonse / Za?re (DRC)

13/88 Hadjali Mohamad / Algeria




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