The Centre for Human Rights, Faculty of Law, University of Pretoria, invites you to join the inaugural Christof Heyns Memorial Lecture in memory of the manifold contribution of the late Professor Christof Heyns to human rights.
Venue: University of Pretoria, Aula
Date: Friday 28 July 2023
Time: 16:30 for 17:00
Drawing on Christof’s sense of inclusion and collaboration, a three-person panel will collectively deliver the ‘Lecture’. Inspired by Christof’s spirit of being on the forefront of critical yet constructive thinking on human rights, the Lecture explores the following theme: ‘Human rights at a cross-roads’
In the year in which the Universal Declaration of Human Rights turns 75, the global ‘human rights project’ is increasingly being challenged, and may be seen as being ‘at a cross-roads’. Are we at such a point? How did we get here? Where do we go from here? Three panelists, who each worked closely with Christof, will share their perspectives:
Justice Albie Sachs
Former Judge of the South African Constitutional Court
Chief Justice Mumba Malila
Supreme Court of Zambia
Yvonne Dausab
Namibian Minister of Justice, Hon.
The Lecture is open to the general public. A cocktail will be served after the Lecture.
The Lecture will be preceded by an Alumni Networking Roundtable