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The Centre for Human Rights, University of Pretoria, and the Global Centre on AI Governance will host an intensive short course on Artificial intelligence and human rights in Africa on 17 – 21 November 2025

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Course details  

Date: 17 – 21 November 2025
The course will be conducted virtually (Zoom)

About the Course 

This course explores the intersection of artificial intelligence (AI) and human rights, focusing on how AI impacts various human rights. The course aims to equip participants with the knowledge and skills to critically analyze and address the challenges and opportunities presented by the application of AI in Africa in the context of advancing and protecting human rights. 

At the heart of the complexity of AI in our societies is the effect on humanity. The juxtaposed potential of AI to advance innovation that can power economic development with its potential for harming humanity, raises questions about accountability and the fundamental protection of human rights in the design, deployment and use of AI. 

Participants of this course will assist human rights duty-holders in understanding their responsibilities in relation to AI; government representatives in fulfilling their human rights obligations in a changing digital context; human rights defenders in monitoring and advocating for the protection of human rights at risk from AI; and rights holders in claiming their rights and accessing remedies and redress where rights have been violated. 

Course content 

The course is structured into 15 sessions that are delivered over the course of a week, each addressing a critical aspect of AI and human rights: 

Introduction to AI and Human Rights in Africa 

  • AI and Democracy in Africa 
  • AI and Persons with Disabilities 
  • AI and the Right to Privacy 
  • AI and Socio-Economic Rights in Africa 
  • AI and Social Protection in Africa 
  • AI and the Future of Work in Africa 
  • AI and the Right to Development in Africa 
  • AI and Climate Justice in Africa 
  • AI and National Security in Africa 
  • AI and the Right of Access to Information 
  • AI and Gender Equity 
  • AI and Children 
  • AI and National Human Rights Institutions in Africa 
  • AI, Human Rights and the Role of Business 
  • AI Governance: a Human Rights Based Approach 

Course Objectives 

  • Understand the fundamental principles of AI and the intersections with human rights. 
  • Analyze the impact of AI on various human rights. 
  • Evaluate International and African human rights frameworks and their applicability to AI governance. 
  • Engage in critical discussions on the social implications of AI in Africa. 


Participation is limited to 25 individuals, prioritising candidates from diverse African countries. We encourage applications from civil society organisations, policymakers, academia, grassroots advocates, private sector professionals, and other relevant stakeholders. Certificates will only be awarded to participants who have attended and actively participated in all sessions of the course. An assessment consisting of written reflection notes at the end of each day will be required.


Participation in the course online is $150(USD) of charge.


Account name: University of Pretoria
Bank: ABSA Bank
Account number: 214 000 0038
Branch code: 632005
Swift code: ABSAZAJJ

As reference please supply the following information: (A0D648) and Lastname
Please email a proof of payment to Mr Dennis Antwi at Dennis.Antwi@up.ac.za.

NB: Do not make payment until you have recived confirmation that you have been accepted for the couse


Participants wishing to attend are required to write a short motivation for attending the course. A limited number of scholarships are available. These scholarships are awarded on a very competitive basis. 

Important Notice 

A high proficiency in English is required to attend this course. All lectures and materials are in English. Prior to applying for this course, please read through the information on the practical information. 

Documents to be submitted 

  • Curriculum Vitae (short CV in PDF or Word document, maximum 3 pages, maximum 10 MB in file size) 
  • One Letter of Recommendation (PDF or Word document, maximum of 10 MB in file size) 
  • Motivation letter 
  • Academic Records (students only) (combined in one PDF or Word document, maximum 10 MB in file size) 

For more information, please contact: 

Dennis Antwi 
Programme Manager: Advanced Human Rights Courses
Centre for Human Rights 

Henok Ashagrey 
Project officer: Expression, Information and Digital Rights Unit
Centre for Human Rights 

Fola Adeleke, PhD 
Executive Director 
Global Centre on AI Governance 



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