
The following vacancies, fellowships, consultancies, internships, and other opportunities are available:

South African Institute of International Affairs (SAIIA) Researcher G20

South African Institute of International Affairs (SAIIA)  is seeking to appoint a Researcher to contribute to SAIIA’s work on G20 issues as South Africa  takes over the presidency of the G20 in December 2024.   

The successful candidate will join SAIIA’s G20 team and their research and policy engagement will  focus on global financial architecture reform (more specifically on multilateral development bank, IMF  reform and governance, and debt). These have been crucial agenda items for South Africa, Africa  and other developing economies. SA’s G20 presidency in 2025 will be the fourth consecutive Global  South presidency providing an opportunity to drive further a global economic governance agenda  that focuses on social and developmental priorities that are important to developing countries. This  presidency also presents an opportunity for delivery of the required climate and development finance  to developing countries, in line with their priorities and needs, thanks to a continuing growing role of  SA on the international stage. Similarly, an African G20 presidency creates opportunities for greater  synergies with the African Union (AU) to push for a continent-wide IFA reform agenda. SAIIA’s G20  programme aims to provide support to the SA presidency and the AU in these areas.  

Fixed Term Contract (Salary band, depending on  experience: R500,000 to R600,000)

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