Alongside the activities of the 27th African Human Rights Moot Court, the Centre for Human Rights is engaging in advocacy to advance the rights of older persons, with a specific focus on older women, in Ghana. The Centre’s Women’s Rights Unit campaign, #AgeWithRights, in partnership with HelpAge International and the Moremi Initiative, hosted an advocacy meeting on 8 August to discuss Ghana’s ratification of the Protocol on the Rights of Older Persons.
The meeting was attended by the Hon Buabeng Asamoah representing the Majority Leader and the Minister of Parliamentary Affairs, Dr. Comfort Asare, Director, Ministry of Gender, Child and Social Development, and representatives from the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Labour, the National Population Council, UNFPA, the National Pensioneer’s Association and a number of civil society organisations. There are now plans in motion to work with the Ministry of Gender, Child and Social Development to make Ghana the first AU Member State to ratify the Protocol on the Rights of Older Persons.
The Centre for Human Rights is also displaying a photo exhibit in the University of Ghana’s Law Faculty, entitled “Pride and Plights” to showcase the diversity and resilience of older women in African. The photos have been provided by Adebayo Okeowo (Advocacy Coordinator, Centre for Human Rights), HelpAge International and Think Young Women, The Gambia.
To wrap up its #AgeWithRights activities, the Centre will host an Expert Meeting on the Rights of Older Women on 9 August. The meeting is open to the public from 9-12pm, and will be held at the University of Ghana Law Faculty Auditorium.
For mor information on the #AgeWithRights Campaign visit: