
The African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights (African Commission) has made a public call for comments on the draft ‘Guidelines on Access to Information and Elections in Africa’ (draft guidelines). Comments must be sent to the secretariat of the African Commission via email  (au-banjul@africa-union.org | africancommission@yahoo.com | hezae@africa-union.org) no later than 30 June 2017.

Download draft guidelines in English
Download draft guidelines in French

The draft guidelines have been developed pursuant to Resolution 307 of the African Commission, adopted in August 2015, which authorised the Special Rapporteur to develop guidelines on access to information and elections for Africa. In May 2016, an experts meeting was held to discuss broad principles to be contained in the Guidelines. Subsequently, a Working Group composed of some participants at the initial experts meeting was held in August 2016 to discuss in greater detail, the content of the Draft Guidelines.

To elicit further participation in the adoption process, a consultation was held with stakeholders from Southern Africa in March 2017. A second consultation for Eastern Africa is being planned for mid-June 2017. Once finalised, it is expected that the Draft Guidelines will be adopted by the ACHPR, possibly during the Extra-Ordinary Session of the African Commission in August 2017.

The Freedom of Expression and Access to Information Unit of the Centre for Human Rights is providing technical assistance and is the secretariat for the development of the draft guidelines. 


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