Prof Charles Fombad
Licence en Droit(University of Yaounde) LL.M(University of London) PhD(University of London)
Director: Institute for International and Comparative Law in Africa (ICLA)
Professor of Comparative Constitutional Law
+27 (0) 12 420 3377
Journal Articles
- “Countering the Scourge of Unconstitutional Changes of Government in Africa” IACL-AIDC Blog (16 June 2022) - “Democracy and fake news in Africa,” 9(1) Journal of International and Comparative Law (2022), pp. 131-154.
- “Fostering a Constructive Intra-African Legal Dialogue in Post-Colonial Africa,” 66(1) Journal of African Law (2022), pp. 1-22.
- “An Overview of the State of Electoral Democracy in Africa,” 14 African Journal of Legal Studies (2022), pp. 245–268.
- Transitional Justice in Africa – The Experience with Truth Commissions by Charles Manga Fombad at
- “ A comparative overview of recent trends in judicial appointments: selected cases from Africa,” 55(1) Canadian Journal of African Studies (2021), pp161-182. 10.1080/00083968.2020.1802314
- (With Lukman A. Abdulrauf “Comparative overview of the constitutional framework for controlling the exercise of emergency powers in Africa’, 20 African Human Rights Law Journal (2020), pp. 376-411
- “Editorial introduction to special focus: Assessing the implications of COVID-19 pandemic regulations for human rights and the rule of law in Eastern and Southern Africa,” 20 African Human Rights Law Journal (2020), pp. 368-375.
- “Taming executive authoritarianism in Africa; Some reflections on current trends in horizontal and vertical accountability,” 12(1) Hague Journal of the Rule of Law (2020), pp.61-91.
- (with Baboki Jonathan Dambe) The stock theft act and customary courts in Botswana: justice sacrificed on the altar of expediency? 52(1) The Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law, (2020), pp.65-81.
- (with Christof Heyns, Pansy Tlakula and Jimmy Kainja), “ The right to political participation in Sub-Saharan Africa,” 8 Global Journal of Comparative Law (2019),pp. 128-161.
- “The separation of powers in African constitutionalism.” In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics. Oxford University Press. doi:
- “Taming Executive Authoritarianism in Africa: Some Reflections on Current Trends in Horizontal and Vertical Accountability,” Hague Journal on the Rule Law
- “Constitutional literacy in Africa: Challenges and Prospects,”44(3) Commonwealth Law Bulletin (2018), pp. 492- 513.
- "Comparative research in contemporary African legal studies," 67(4) Journal of Legal Education (2018), pp.984-1004.
- “An overview of the crisis of the rule of law in Africa,” 18(1) African Human Rights Law Journal (2018), pp.213-243.
- (with Eric Kibet), “ The rule of law in sub-Saharan Africa: Reflections on promises, progress, pitfalls and prospects,” 18(1) African Human Rights law Journal (2018), pp.205-212.
- “Constitutional Entrenchment of Decentralization in Africa: An Overview of Trends and Tendencies,” 62(2) Journal of African Law (2018), pp. 175-199.
- (with Eric Kibet) “Transformative constitutionalism and the adjudication of constitutional rights in Africa,” 17(2) African Human Rights Law Journal (2017), pp. 340-366.
- (with Serges Djoyou Kamga), “ Actualising the right to development in Africa: Options and prospects,” 47(3) Africa Insight (2017), pp 6-26.
- “Designing institutions and mechanisms for the implementation and enforcement of the constitution: Changing perspectives in Africa” 25 (1) African Journal of International and Comparative Law, (2017) pp. 66–90.
- (with Lukman Abdulrauf) "Personal Data Protection in Nigeria: Reflections on Opportunities, Options and Challenges to Legal Reforms" 38(2) Liverpool Law Review, (2017), pp. 105-134.
- (With Lukman Abdulrauf), “The African Union’s data protection Convention 2014: a possible cause for celebration of human rights in Africa?” 8 (1) Journal of Media Law (2016), pp. 67-97.
- “Election Management Bodies (EMBs) in Eastern and Southern Africa: Some Reflections on their Legal Framework,” 15 African and Asian Studies (2016), pp. 289-335.
- “State, Religion and Law in Cameroon: Regulatory Control, Tension and Accommodation,” 57(1) Journal of Church and State (2015), pp.18-43.
- “Conceptualising a Framework for Inclusive, Fair and Robust Multiparty Democracy in Africa: The Constitutionalisation of the Rights of Political Parties,” 48(1) Law and Politics in Africa, Asia & Latin America (2015), pp. 3-27.
- “Strengthening constitutional order and upholding the rule of law in central Africa: Reversing the descent towards symbolic constitutionalism,” 14 African Human Rights Law Journal (2014), pp. 412-448.
- “Constitution-building in Africa: The Never-ending Story of the Making, Unmaking and Remaking of Constitutions,” 13(4) African and Asian Studies (2014), pp. 429-451.
- “Gender Equality in African Customary Law: Has the Male Ultimogeniture Rule any Future in Botswana,” 52(3) Journal of Modern African Studies (2014), pp. 475-494.
- “Appointment of Constitutional Adjudicators in Africa: Some Perspectives on How Different Systems Yield Similar Outcomes,” 46(2) Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law (2014), pp. 249-275.
- “Africanisation of Legal Education Programmes : The Need for Comparative African Legal Studies,” 49(4) Journal of Asian and African Studies (2014), pp. 383-398.
- (with Gift Manyatera ) “An Assessment of the Judicial Service Commission in Zimbabwe's new Constitution," 67(1) Comparative and International Law Journal of Southern Africa (2014), pp. 89-108.
- (With Adem K. Abebe), “The Advisory Jurisdiction of Constitutional Courts in Sub-Saharan Africa,” 46(1) George Washington International Law Review (2013), pp. 55-117.
- (with Serges Alain Kamga) , “A Critical Review of the Jurisprudence of the African Commission on the Right to Development,” 57(2) Journal of African Law (2013), pp. 196-214.
- “Some Perspectives on Durability and Change Under Modern African Constitutions,” 11(2) International Journal of Constitutional Law (2013), pp. 382-413.
- “An Overview of the Constitutional Framework of the Right to Social Security with Special Reference to South Africa,” 21(1) African Journal of International and Comparative Law (2013), pp. 1-31.
- “Some Reflections on the Prospects for the Harmonisation of International Business Laws in Africa: OHADA and Beyond,” 59(3) Africa Today (2013), pp. 51-80.
- “Constitutional Entrenchment as an Effective and Sustainable Basis for Attacking Africa’s Endemic Corruption.” 1 Pan-African Yearbook of Law (2012), pp. 31-46.
- (with Enyinna Nwauche), “Africa’s Imperial Presidents: Immunity, Impunity and Accountability,” 5(2) African Journal of Legal Studies (2012), pp.91-118.
- “Internationalization of Constitutional Law and Constitutionalism in Africa,” 60(2) American Journal of Comparative Law (2012), pp.439-473.
- “Constitutional Reforms and Constitutionalism in Africa: Reflections on Some Current Challenges and Future Prospects,” 59(4) Buffalo Law Review (2011), pp.1007-1108.
- “African Bill of Rights in a Comparative Perspective,” 17(1) Fundamina (2011), pp.33-64.
- (with Njoku O. Ama) “Patent and research exemption: Challenges for research capacity and utilization in universities, research institutions and industry in Botswana,” 1(5) International Journal of Asian Social Science (2011), pp. 157-180.
- “The Constitution as a Source of Accountability: The Role of Constitutionalism,” 24 (2) Speculum Juris (2010), pp.41-65.
- “Mixed Systems in Southern Africa: Divergences and Convergences,” 25 Tulane European & Civil Law Forum (2010), pp.1-21.
- “Transitional Justice in Africa: The Experience with Truth Commissions,” (2008)
- “Constitutional Reforms in France and their Implications for Constitutionalism in Francophone Africa,” (2008)
- “Legal Modernisation in Botswana: A Critical Appraisal of the Revision of the Laws Act, 2002,” 6 University of Botswana Law Journal (2007), pp. 91-101.
- “Limits on the Powers to Amend Constitutions: Recent Trends in Africa and their Impact on Constitutionalism,” 6 University of Botswana Law Journal (2007), pp. 27- 60.
- “The Swaziland Constitution of 2005: Can Absolutism be Reconciled with Modern Constitutionalism?” 23 SAJHR (2007), pp. 93-115.
- “Researching Cameroonian Law,” (2007) http://www.ny/
- “Challenges to Constitutionalism and Constitutional Rights in Africa and the Enabling Role of Political Parties: Lessons Perspectives from Southern Africa,” 55 American Journal of Comparative Law (2007), pp.1-46.
- “A Preliminary Assessment of the Prospects for Judicial Independence in Post-1990 Africa Constitutions,” 2 Public Law (2007), pp.233-257.
- “Media Law Reform in Southern Africa: Challenges and Prospects,” 5 Openspace (2006), pp.49- 52.
- “The African Union, democracy and good governance.” 32 Current African Issues (2006), pp.9-38.
- with Zein Kebonang “The African Peer Review Mechanism: Challenges and prospects.” 32 Current African Issues (2006), pp.39-54.
- “Civil Liability for Damage Caused by Dogs in Roman-Dutch and Common Law: A comparative Appraisal” Part II .19(2) Pula Botswana Journal of African Studies, (2005), pp.158- 167.
- “Children and informed consent to HIV/AIDS testing and treatment in Botswana,” 2 University of Botswana Law Journal (2005), pp.33-72.
- “Botswana and the dynamics of legal modernisation within a dual English Common Law/Roman-Dutch Law legal heritage,” 13 African Journal of International and Comparative Law, (2005), pp.7-24.
- “The separation of powers and constitutionalism in Africa: The case of Botswana,” 25 Boston College Third World Law Journal, (2005)pp. 301-342.
- “Highest courts departing from precedents: The Botswana Court of Appeal in Kweneng Land Board v Mpofu and Nonong,” 1 University of Botswana Law Journal, (2005) pp.128- 139.
- “Protecting children’s rights in social science research in Botswana: Some ethical and legal dilemmas,” 19 International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family, (2005) pp. 102-120.
- “Civil liability for damage caused by dogs in Roman-Dutch and Common Law: A comparative appraisal” 18 Pula Botswana Journal of African Studies,(2004),pp.127-136.
- “A report on a national information and communications technology (ICT) policy in Botswana,” 1 BIAC Journal, (2004) No. 2, pp. 97-103.
- with L. Knestiioukova “Human rights and HIV/AIDS in the workplace: A Botswana perspective.”1 BIAC Journal, (2004),No. 2 pp. 72-96.
- “Customary courts and traditional justice in Botswana: Present challenges and future perspectives,” 15 Stellenbosch Law Review, (2004), pp.166-192.
- “Cameroon’s emergency powers: A recipe for (un)constitutional dictatorship?” 48 Journal of African Law, (2004), pp. 62-81.
- with Madeleine C. Fombad “The lawyer in the emerging digital environment: A Botswana perspective” 32 International Journal of Legal Information, (2004), pp.109-129.
- “The constitutional protection against discrimination in Botswana,” 53 International and Comparative Law Quarterly, (2004) pp. 139-170.
- Protecting constitutional values in Africa: A comparison of Botswana and Cameroon.” 36 Comparative and International Law Journal of Southern Africa,(2003), pp. 83-105.
- “Election management bodies in Africa: Cameroon’s ‘National Electoral Observatory in perspective,’” 3 African Human Rights Law Journal, (2003),pp. 25-51.
- “Some insights into statutory-law making in Botswana,” 27 Journal for Juridical Science, (2002), pp. 70-87.
- “The protection of freedom of expression in the public service media in southern Africa: A Botswana perspective,” 65 Modern Law Review,(2002), pp. 649-675.
- “The risk of exclusion from the digital global information age: The case of Botswana,” 49 Media Development,(2002), pp. 45-49.
- “Governmental vicarious liability for the acts of off-duty officials in Botswana,” 2 Oxford University Commonwealth Law Journal,(2001), pp. 231 –252.
- "The crisis of confidentiality in the control of the HIV/AIDS pandemic in Botswana," 170 International Social Science Journal, (2001),pp. 643-659.
- "Service providers and liability and for digital defamation: Finding the right balance," 49 Media Development, (2001), pp. 59-64.
- "The enhancement of good governance in Botswana: A critical assessment of the Ombudsman Act," 27 Journal of Southern African Studies, (2001), pp. 57-77.
- "An analysis of the constitutional protection of freedom of expression in southern African and some emerging trends," 16 South African Journal of Human Rights,(2000), pp. 173-191.
- "Curbing corruption in Africa: Some lessons from Botswana’s experience," 160 International Social Science Journal,(1999),pp. 241-254.
- “Peacebuilding in Africa: Lessons from Truth Commissions,” 12 Lesotho Law Journal, (1999), pp. 1-29.
- "Cameroonian bi-juralism: Current challenges and future prospects", (1999) 5 Fundamina: Journal of Legal History, (1999), pp. 22-43.
- "The constitutional protection of freedom of expression in Cameroon: A comparative appraisal," 14 S.A. Public Law, (1999), pp. 25-45.
- "Compensation of motor vehicles accident victims in Botswana: An appraisal of the MVA Act Fund scheme," 43 Journal of African Law, (1999), pp. 151-183.
- "Archibald v Attorney-General in Perspective: The role of actuarial evidence in the assessment of the defendant's damages for loss of support in Botswana, "AfricanJournal of International and Comparative Law,(1999), pp. 245-261.
- "Cameroon and the dilemma of media pluralism," 24 Communicatio, (1998),pp. 21-31.
- "The new Cameroonian Constitutional Council in a comparative perspective: Progress or retrogression?” 42 Journal of African Law, (1998), pp. 172-186.
- "The special ‘Ad hoc' Chamber within the International Court of Justice - A prospective appraisal," 23 Journal of Juridical Science, (1998), pp. 112-128.
- "An experiment in legal pluralism: The Cameroonian bi-jural/uni-jural imbroglio," 16 University of Tasmania Law Review,(1997), pp. 209-234.
- "The principle of unjust enrichment in international law," 30 Comparative and International Law Journal of Southern Africa, (1997),pp. 120-130.
- "Overcoming the legal and institutional challenges to implementing Cameroon's National Environmental Management Plan," 27 Environmental Law and Policy, (1997), pp. 489-498.
- "The effectiveness of environmental protection measures in Cameroon's 1994 Law, Laying Down Forestry, Wildlife and Fisheries Regulations," 9 Journal of Environmental Law, (1997),pp. 43-58.
- "Judicial power in Cameroon's amended Constitution of 18 January 1996," 9 Lesotho Law Journal, (1996),pp. 1-11.
- "Adjusting working Conditions to the economic crisis: The Cameroonian experience.” 47 Labor Law Journal, (1996), pp. 454-463.
- "The Motor Accident Compensation Ordinance 1989, of Cameroon," 39 Journal of African Law, (1995) pp. 1998-219.
- "Freedom of speech in the Cameroonian democratic transition," 33 Journal of Modern African Studies, (1995), pp. 211-226.
- "Legal aspects of the informal sector in Cameroon," 3 African Journal of International and Comparative Law, (1994), pp.504-515.
- "Equity in current international practice,” 2&3 Revue Juridique Africaine, (1994), pp.111-127.
- "The scope for uniform national laws in Cameroon,” 29 Journal of Modern African Studies, (1991), pp. 443-456.
- "Consultations and negotiations in the pacific settlement of international disputes,” African Journal of International and Comparative Law,” (1980), pp.707-724.
Chapters in Books
- (With Osy Nwebo), “Reflections on the Role of the Pan-African Parliament in Advancing Democratic Governance in Africa,” in A. Adeola and Makau Mutua (eds.), Palgrave Handbook of Democracy, Governance and Justice in Africa, Palgrave, Macmillan, Switzerland (2022), pp.85-108.
- “The state of governance in Africa,” in Charles M Fombad, Assefa Fiseha, Nico Steytler, Contemporary Governance Challenges in the Horn of Africa, Routledge, London (2022)
- “Democracy, elections and constitutionalism in Africa: Setting the scene,” in Charles M Fombad and Nico Steytler (eds.), Democracy, elections, and constitutionalism in Africa, Oxford, Oxford University Press (2021), pp.19-35.
- (With Adem Abebe), “The African Union and the advancement of democracy: The problem of unconstitutional retention of governmental power,” in Charles M Fombad and Nico Steytler (eds.), Democracy, elections, and constitutionalism in Africa, Oxford, Oxford University Press (2021), pp.61-91.
- (With O’Brien Kaaba), “Adjudication of disputed presidential elections in Africa,” in Charles M Fombad and Nico Steytler (eds.), Democracy, elections, and constitutionalism in Africa, Oxford, Oxford University Press (2021), pp.400.
- “Reversing the surging tide towards authoritarian democracy in Africa,” in Charles M Fombad and Nico Steytler (eds.), Democracy, elections, and constitutionalism in Africa, Oxford, Oxford University Press (2021), pp.463-517.
- “The struggle to defend the independence of the judiciary in Africa,” in Shimon Shetreet, Hiram Chodesh and Eric Helland, Challenged justice. In pursuit of judicial independence, Leiden, Brill Nijhoff (2021), pp. 223-248.
- “The crisis of statelessness in Africa,” in Cesar Landa (ed.), The constitutional challenges of migration processes in the 21st century,” Tirant Lo Blanch, Bogota (2020), pp. 133-150.
- “Constitutions and religion in Africa,” in Susanna Mancini (ed.), Constitutions and religion, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar (2020), pp. 157-171.
- (With Gatsi Tazo), “Cameroon’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic: Combating a deadly pandemic within a weak rule of law framework,” in Jose Serna de la Garza(ed), COVID-19 and constitutional law, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico (2020), pp. 3-12. (being an e-book).
- “Africa and Transnational Constitutionalism.” In Oxford Bibliographies in International Law. Ed. Tony Carty. New York: Oxford University Press, DOI: 10.1093/OBO/9780199796953-0216
- (With Serges Kamga), “The Cameroonian Special Criminal Court: The Futility of Combating Corruption Where the Basics of Constitutionalism are Absent,” in Charles Fombad and Nico Steytler (eds.), Corruption and Constitutionalism in Africa. Revisiting Control Measures and Strategies (OUP, 2020), pp.417-435.
- “Corruption and the Crisis of Constitutionalism in Africa,” in Charles Fombad and Nico Steytler (eds.), Corruption and Constitutionalism in Africa. Revisiting Control Measures and Strategies (OUP, 2020), pp.15-65.
- “Reconciling legal pluralism and constitutionalism: New trajectories for legal theory in the age of globalisation in Botswana,” in Guillaume Tusseau (ed.), Debating legal pluralism and constitutionalism. New trajectories for legal theory in the global age, Switzerland, Springer (2020), pp.103-113.
- Regional and continental frameworks in Africa: The African Charter on Decentralization,” in Charles Fombad and Nico Steytler (eds), Decentralization and Constitutionalism in Africa, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2019, pp. 70-97.
- “Cameroon and the anomalies of decentralization with a centralist mindset,” in Charles Fombad and Nico Steytler (eds), Decentralization and Constitutionalism in Africa, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2019, pp. 326-364.
- “ National human rights institutions in eastern and southern Africa: Lessons and prospects for the future,” in Charles Fombad (ed.), Compendium of documents on National human Rights institutions in eastern and southern Africa, Pretoria, PULP, 2019, pp. 890-898.
- “An overview of NHRIs in eastern and southern Africa,” in Charles Fombad (ed.), Compendium of documents on National human Rights institutions in eastern and southern Africa, Pretoria, PULP, 2019, pp. 5-19.
- “Constitutional review and constitutional justice in Africa: Past, present and future,” in Oumarou Narey (ed.), Separation des pouvoirs et contre-pouvoirs. Dakar, L’Harmattan (2018), pp.135-157.
- “The diffusion of South African –style institutions? A study of comparative constitutionalism,” in Rosalind Dixon and Theunis Roux (eds), Constitutional triumphs, constitutional disappointments. A critical assessment of the 1996 South African Constitution’s local and international influence. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press (2018), pp. 359-387.
- “Some Perspectives on Durability and Change Under Modern African Constitutions,” in Eunice Sahle (ed.), Democracy, Constitutionalism, and Politics in Africa; Historical Contexts, Developments, and Dilemmas, (2017), Palgrave Macmillan, pp 61-100 (republication).
- “An overview of contemporary models of constitutional review in Africa,” in Charles Fombad (ed.), Constitutional adjudication in Africa, Oxford, Oxford University Press (2017), pp. 17-50.
- “The Cameroonian Constitutional Council: Faithful servant of an unaccountable system,” in Charles Fombad (ed.), Constitutional adjudication in Africa, Oxford, Oxford University Press (2017), pp. 80-96.
- “Constitutional adjudication and constitutional justice in Africa’s uncertain transition: Mapping the way forward,” in Charles Fombad (ed.), Constitutional adjudication in Africa, Oxford, Oxford University Press (2017), pp. 351-370.
- Presidential Term Limits through constitutional amendments in Africa: Deconstructing legitimacy,” in Grant Masterson and Melanie Meirotti (eds.), Checks and balances: African constitutions and democracy in the 21st Century, EISA, Johannesburg (2017), pp. 45-58.
- “Problematising the issue of constitutional implementation in Africa,” in Charles M. Fombad (ed.), The Implementation of Modern African Constitutions: Challenges and Prospects, Pretoria, PULP (2016), pp.10-24.
- “Constitutional Implementation in perspective: Developing a sustainable normative constitutional implementation framework,” in Charles M. Fombad (ed.), The Implementation of Modern African Constitutions: Challenges and Prospects, Pretoria, PULP (2016), pp.218-235.
- “The Expansion of Judicial Power in Africa and Democratic Consolidation: Opportunities, Challenges and Future Prospects,” in Muna Ndulo and Mamoudou Gazibo (eds), Growing Democracy in Africa: Elections, Accountable Governance and Political Economy, London, James Currey Publishers (2016), pp. 47-85.
- “The Evolution of Modern African Constitutions: A Retrospective Perspective”, in Charles Manga Fombad (ed.), Separation of Powers in African Constitutionalism, Oxford, Oxford University Press (2016), pp.13-57.
- “An Overview of the Separation of Powers under Modern African Constitutions” in, in Charles Manga Fombad (ed.), Separation of Powers in African Constitutionalism, Oxford, Oxford University Press ( 2016),pp. 58-92.
- “The Role of Emerging Hybrid Institutions of Accountability in the Separation of Powers Scheme in Africa,” in in Charles Manga Fombad (ed.), Separation of Powers in African Constitutionalism, Oxford, Oxford University Press ( 2016),pp. 325-344.
- (with Horace Adjolohoun), “Separation of Powers and the Role of the Public Prosecutor in Francophone Africa,” in Charles Manga Fombad (ed.), Separation of Powers in African Constitutionalism, Oxford, Oxford University Press ( 2016), pp.359-484.
- "Cameroon." Encyclopedia of Law and Religion. General Editor Gerhard Robbers. Brill Online, 2015. Reference.
- (with Madeleine Fombad), “Rethinking Anti-Corruption Strategies in Africa: Constitutional Entrenchment as Basis for Credible and Effective Anti-Corruption Clean-Ups,” in Charles C. Jalloh and Olufemi Elias (eds), Shielding Humanity: Essays in International Law and Policy in Honour of Abdul G. Koroma (Martinus Nijhoff Brill, (2015),pp. 726-773.
- "Managing Legal Diversity: Cameroonian Bijuralism at a Critical Crossroads," in Vernon Palmer, Mohamed Mattar and Anna Koppel (eds), Mixed Legal Systems, East and West., Aldershot, Ashgate Publishing (2014), pp. 187-217.
- “Judicial and Jurisprudential Powers of African Constitutional Court Judges,” in Collection of Acts of the Seminar in Cotonou on the Theme: Constitutional Judge and Political Power,” Cotonou, pp.55-65.
- “The Context of Justice in Africa: Emerging Trends and Prospects,” in Evelyn Edroma (ed.), Rethinking the Role of Law and Justice in Africa’s Development, UNDP, Addis Ababa (2013), pp.3-24.
- “Botswana,” in Vernon Palmer (ed.), Mixed Jurisdictions Wordwide. The Third Legal Family, 2nd ed., Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, (2012), pp.481-527.
- “Special Report on Cameroon,” in Vernon Palmer (ed.), Mixed Jurisdictions Wordwide. The Third Legal Family, 2nd ed., Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, (2012),pp.632-674.
- “State and Church in Cameroon,” in Gerhard Robbers (ed.), Encyclopedia of Law and Religion
- “The African Union and Democratization”, in Jeffrey Haynes, Routledge Handbook of Democratization, Routledge, London (2012), pp.322-336.
- (With Jimcall Pfumorodze), “Protecting the Disabled in Botswana: An Anomalous Case of Legislative Neglect,” in Grobbelaar-du Plessis and Tobias Van Reenen, Aspects of Disability Law in Africa, PULP, Pretoria (2011), pp. 85-104.
- (With Nat Inegbedion “Presidential Term Limits and their Impact on Constitutionalism in Africa,” in Charles Fombad & Christina Murray (eds), Fostering Constitutionalism in Africa, PULP, Pretoria (2010),pp.1-29.
- “Transitional Justice in Africa: The Experience with Truth Commissions,” in Chinna Reddy Potula (ed.), Transitional Justice, Amicus Books, India (2009), pp.165-191.
- “A critical assessment of the legal responses to the HIV and AIDS pandemic in Botswana,” in Fombad, Mupedziswa, Maundeni and Mookodi (eds), “HIV and AIDS, Vulnerable Groups, Human Rights and Development in Botswana. OSSREA, Cape Town ((2009).
- Enhancing the Judicial Role in Human Rights Protection in Botswana,” in E.K. Quansah & W. Binchy, The Judicial Protection of Human Rights in Botswana. Clarus Press, Dublin (2009), pp. 133-158.
- “The Challenges of Human Rights Protection in Botswana in the 21st Century,” in E.K. Quansah & W. Binchy, The Judicial Protection of Human Rights in Botswana. Clarus Press, Dublin (2009), pp.27-43.
- “The Separation of Powers and Constitutionalism in Africa: The Case of Botswana,” in M. Prabhakar, Separation of Powers: Global Perspectives, Hyderabad, Icfai University Press (2008), pp. 146-193.
- “Cameroon’s constitutional conundrum: Reconciling unity with diversity”, in Kenyan Section of the International Commission of Jurists and Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, Ethnicity, Human Rights and Constitutionalism in Africa, Kenyan Section of the International Commission of Jurists, Nairobi (2008), pp.121-156.
- “The Protection of Human Rights in Botswana: An Overview of the Regulatory Framework,” in Charles Manga Fombad (ed.), Essays on the Law of Botswana, Cape Town, Juta & Co (2007), pp.1-31.
- With David Sebudubudu, “ The Framework for Curbing Corruption, Enhancing Accountability and Promoting Good Governance in Botswana,” in Charles Manga Fombad (ed.), Essays on the Law of Botswana, Cape Town, Juta & Co (2007), pp.82-126.
- “Post 1990 constitutional reforms in Africa: A Preliminary Assessment of the Prospects for Constitutional Governance and Constitutionalism.” in A.G. Nhema and P. T. Zeleza, The Resolution of African conflicts. OSSREA & James Currey, Oxford (2008), pp. 179-199.
- “Cameroon,” in David Levinson & Karen Christensen, Global Perspectives on the United States. A Nation by Nation Survey, Vol. 1 Berkshire Publishing Co., Great Barnington (2007), pp.88-91.
- With Jonie B. Fonyam (2004), "The Social Democratic Front., the opposition and the transition" in John Mukum Mbaku and Joseph Takougang (eds.) The leadership challenge in Africa: Cameroon under Paul Biya, Africa World Press, Trenton N.J., pp. 453-488.
- "The dynamics of record breaking corruption and political opportunism in Cameroon" in John Mukum Mbaku and Joseph Takougong (eds).The leadership challenge in Africa: Cameroon under Paul Biya, Africa World Press, Trenton N.J. (2004), pp. 357-394.
- “Prospects for peace building through Truth Commissions in Africa,”in Alfred G. Nhema (ed.), The Quest for Peace in Africa: Transformations, Democracy and Public Policy. International Books with OSSREA, Addis Ababa, (2004),pp.189-219.
- “Consultations and negotiations in the pacific settlement of disputes,” in Mary Ellen O’Connor (ed.), International dispute settlement, Ashgate, Dartmouth (2003),pp.37-54.
- "The mass media and the democratization process in Africa: Lessons from Cameroon,” in John Mukum Mbaku and Julius Ihonvbere. (eds), The transition to democratic governance in Africa: The continuing struggle, Praeger, Westport, (2003), pp. 221-247.
- “Cameroon’s ‘National Elections Observatory’ and the Prospects of Constitutional Change of Government”, in Frank Columbus (ed.), Politics and Economics of Africa. Vol. 3. Nova Science Publishers Inc., New York, (2002), pp. 71-91.
- “Cameroon’s troubled democratic transition and the deconstruction of the federalist problematic,” in Frank Columbus (ed.), Politics and Economics of Africa. Vol. 3 Nova Science Publishers Inc., New York, (2002), pp.43- 69.
- "Cameroon" (The legal system) in Herbert M. Kritzer(ed.), Legal systems of the world. A political, social, and cultural encyclopaedia. ABC –CLIO, Santa Barbara, (2002), pp. 245-252.
- "Endemic corruption in Cameroon: Insights on consequences and control," in Kempe Ronald Hope and Bornell Chikulo (eds.), Corruption and development in Africa: Lessons from country case-studies, Macmillan, London,(2002), pp. 234-260.
- "Cameroonian bi-juralism: Current challenges and future prospects," in Rena van den Bergh and Gardiol van Niekerk, (eds.), Law in Africa: New Perspectives on Origins, Foundations and Transition. Conference Proceedings, South African Society of Legal Historians, (1999),pp. 41-62.
- "Cameroon" (Media law practices and policies) in Robert Martin (ed) Speaking freely: Expression and the law in the Commonwealth, Irwin Law, Toronto, (1999), pp.87-129.
- (Edited with Assefa Fiseha, Nico Steytler), Contemporary Governance Challenges in the Horn of Africa, Routledge, London (2022).
- (Edited with Nico Steytler eds.), Democracy, elections, and constitutionalism in Africa, Oxford, Oxford University Press (2021)
- (Edited with Nico Steytler eds.), Corruption and Constitutionalism in Africa. Revisiting Control Measures and Strategies (OUP, 2020).
- (With Nico Steytler (eds)), Decentralization and Constitutionalism in Africa, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2019
- (Ed.) Compendium of documents on National human Rights institutions in eastern and southern Africa, Pretoria, PULP (2019).
- (with Tachilisa Balule), Media Law in Botswana, 2nd Ed. Kluwer Law International (2018).
- (Ed.) Constitutional adjudication in Africa, Oxford, Oxford University Press (2017).
- (Ed.) The Implementation of Modern African Constitutions: Challenges and Prospects, Pretoria, PULP (2016).
- (Ed.) Separation of Powers in African Constitutionalism, Oxford, Oxford University Press (2016).
- (with Salvatore Mancuso), Comparative Law in Africa: Methodologies and Concepts, Juta & Co, Claremont, (2015).
- The Botswana Legal System, 2nd edit. LexisNexis, Cape Town (2013).
- Constitutional Law in Cameroon, The Netherlands, Wolters Kluwer Law and Business (2012).
- Cameroon: Text of Constitution. (Monograph in Blanpain, ed., International Encyclopaedia of Laws –Constitutional Law) Kluwer Law International, The Hague(2003).
- Essays on the law of Botswana, Juta & Co, Cape Town (2007).
- Botswana Law (of Delict) (Monograph in Blanpain, ed., International Encyclopaedia of Laws –Tort Law) Kluwer Law International, The Hague (2008).
- With R. Mupedziswa, T. Maundeni & G. Mookodi (eds), HIV and AIDS, Vulnerable Groups, Human Rights and Development in Botswana. OSSREA, Cape Town (2009).
- With Christina Murray, (2010) Fostering Constitutionalism in Africa, PULP, Pretoria (2010).
- “Constitutionalism in Africa,” Paper presented at a Short Term Training on Good Governance in the Horn of Africa, Organized by Center of Excellence in Good Governance, Addis Ababa University, 7 February 2022, Addis Ababa.
- “Countering the scourge of unconstitutional changes of governments in Africa,” Paper presented at the African Union meeting, the Reflection Forum on the Unconstitutional Changes of Government, Accra, Ghana, 15-17 March 2022.
- “Judicial review of constitutional amendments in Africa,” Paper presented at International IDEA webinar on, “Judicial review of constitutional amendments: Implications for constitution-making,” 31 March 2022.
- “Approaches to human rights protection under the African human rights system” Paper presented with Ademola Jegede, at the 2022 Sokol Colloquium on Comparative Human Rights Law, University of Virginia School of Law Charlottesville, US on June 2 – 3, 2022.
- “Term limits: Insights, experiences, trajectories on central and west Africa”, Paper presented at, Summit on Constitutionalism & Democratic Consolidation in Africa in Gaborone, Botswana – July 6-8, 2022.
- Recognition and empowerment of the political opposition: Experiences and insights from Africa,” Paper presented at the International IDEA conference on, Constitutional Design towards Cooperative Democracy, held on 11 and 12 July 2022, in The Hague, The Netherlands.
- “Constitutional identity and constitutionalism in Africa: Concepts and key issues,” Paper presented at the Eighth Stellenbosch Annual Seminar on constitutionalism in Africa (SASCA 2021), 15-17 September 2021, in Stellenbosch.
- (With Tresor Muhindo), “The struggle for constitutional identity in Francophone Africa,” Paper presented at the Eighth Stellenbosch Annual Seminar on constitutionalism in Africa (SASCA 2021), 15-17 September 2021, in Stellenbosch.
- (With Carlson Anyangwe), “Cameroon and the crisis of constitutional identity: Is Anglophone identity compatible with a Cameroonian constitutional identy?,” Paper presented at the Eighth Stellenbosch Annual Seminar on constitutionalism in Africa (SASCA 2021), 15-17 September 2021, in Stellenbosch.
- “Judicial Review in Africa: Options Paper,” Paper presented at Validation Meeting of the programme, “Supporting Sudan Democratic Transition,” organized by International IDEA and the Network of African Constitutional Lawyers, Khartoum, Sudan, 6 September 2021.
- “Enhancing judicial efficiency and effectiveness through an intra-African trans-systemic legal dialogue,” Paper presented at the Fifth African judicial dialogue on building trust in African judiciaries, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, 4-5 November 2021.
- “The state of electoral democracy in Africa,” Paper presented at a Roundtable on electoral democracy in Africa, Faculty of Law, University of Stellenbosch, 5-6 March 2020.
- “Comparative analysis of the constitutional framework for controlling the exercise of emergency powers in combating Covid-19 in Central and West Africa,” Paper presented at Webinar on Impact of Covid-19 pandemic on constitutionalism and the rule of law in Anglophone countries of Central and West Africa, organised by International IDEA on 28 May 2020.
- “The current status of the UN Basic Principles on the Independence of the Judiciary in Africa,” at the conference, “Contemporary challenges on the independence of judges and lawyers from a global perspective,” Green Tree, Long Island, New York, 9-10 February 2019.
- “African Bill of Rights from a Comparative Perspective,” at a Workshop on “Bill of Rights; Comparative Perspectives,” Khartoum, Sudan, 18-20 February 2019.
- “Bill of Rights in the South African Constitutional Framework,” at a Workshop on “Bill of Rights; Comparative Perspectives,” Khartoum, Sudan, 18-20 February 2019.
- “Is devolution a timely idea for Africa?” at a Strategic workshop for partners and collaborators, Konrad Adenauer Stiftung programme, Cape Town, 25-28 February 2019.
- ( with Prof. Bonolo Dinokopila ), “The development of international law in Botswana and the exceptionalism narrative,” at the conference on “The impact of international human rights law on constitutional democracy in Africa,” in Windhoek, Namibia, 6-8 March 2019.
- “The South African experience in constitution-making,” in workshop on, Constitutional drafting processes, Khartoum, Sudan, 7 April 2019.
- Presented paper, “Judicial power and democratic consolidation in Africa: Opportunities, challenges and future prospects,” at a meeting of the African Group of the International Association of Judges conference on “Safeguarding the independence and conditions of service of judicial officers,” Cape Town, 2-6 June 2019.
- Presented a paper, “Overview of constitutional measures and devices in Africa shaping the economy,” at the Seventh Stellenbosch Annual Seminar on Constitutionalism in Africa, 18-20 September 2019.
- Presented paper, “Adjudication of presidential election disputes in Africa: Some lessons from recent decisions,” at a conference on “ Presidential election” in Niamey, Niger, from 8-11 October 2019.
- Presented paper, “The crisis of statelessness in Africa,” Paper presented the international round table of the International Association of Constitutional Law on “The constitutional challenges of migration processes,” held in Cusco, Peru, 24-26 October 2019.
- “The corruption pandemic as a watershed moment for constitutionalism in Africa,” keynote address delivered at the Eight Forum of International Law and the African Union Law on the theme, “ Democracy, rule of law and fight against corruption,” held on 2-3 December in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
- “The rule of law and peace-building,” Paper presented at the training workshop for the rule of law stakeholders for the northern African region, Nouakchott, Mauritania, 11-14 December 2019.
- “Judicial power and democratic consolidation in Africa: Opportunities, challenges and future prospects,” at a meeting of the African Group of the International Association of Judges conference on “Safeguarding the independence and conditions of service of judicial officers,” Cape Town, 2-6 June 2019.
- “Separation of powers (checks and balances) from a comparative African perspective,” Paper presented at a workshop on “Strengthening the constitutional process in Sudan: Basic constitutional principles,” Khartoum, Sudan, 29-31 January 2018.
- “Accountability Institutions: The South African experience” Paper presented at a workshop on “Strengthening the constitutional process in Sudan: Basic constitutional principles,” Khartoum, Sudan, 29-31 January 2018.
- “Draft report of the horizon scanning mission in Cameroon,” at workshop on the “Validation of Focus group of the draft horizon scanning and vulnerability assessment missions reports,” Cape Town, 4-5 February 2018.
- “Conditions for objective and transparent appointment of judges,” Paper presented at Stakeholders’ workshop on the “Independence of the judiciary in Africa,” Arusha, Tanzania, 21-24 February 2018.
- “Constitutional education in Africa: Achievements, challenges and prospects,” paper presented at the International Association of Constitutional law Roundtable, Shanghai, China, 13-15 April 2018.
- “How to draft a constitution,” paper presented at the workshop on “ Strengthening the constitutional process in Sudan,” Khartoum, Sudan, 30 April to 2 May 2018.
- “African bill of rights from a comparative perspective,” paper presented at the workshop on “Strengthening the constitutional process in Sudan,” Khartoum, Sudan, 3-6 May 2018.
- “Democracy, elections and constitutionalism in Africa: The continuing challenges,” Paper presented at the Sixth Stellenbosch Annual Seminar on constitutionalism in Africa, Stellenbosch 4-7 September 2018.
- “Combating corruption in Cameroon: The role of the Special Criminal Court,” paper presented at a workshop on “The African legal frameworks for preventing, combating, investigating, prosecuting and punishing corruption,” Entebbe, 17-18 October 2018.
- “Judicial appointment practices in Africa: A comparative overview of recent trends,” Paper presented at the International Association of Constitutional Law Roundtable on “Judicial appointments and independence: Indian experience in a comparative perspective,” New Delhi, India, 2-3 November 2018.
- “Constitutional law and the economic order: The case of South Africa,” paper presented at Max Planck Foundation for International Peace and the Rule of Law workshop on “Strengthening the constitutional process in Sudan,” 29 December 2018.
- “The independence of the judiciary in Africa,” Paper presented at the conference on “independence of judiciary under threat? –Global conference in Strasbourg,” 5- 7th December 2018.
- “Case law on judicial independence of the African Court on Human and Peoples’ Right,” Paper presented at the conference on “independence of judiciary under threat? –Global conference in Strasbourg,” 5- 7th December 2018.
- “Financial authority regulation in modern African constitutions: a comparative perspective,” Paper presented at a Max Planck Foundation for International Peace and the Rule of Law workshop on “Strengthening the rule of law in Sudan, Jordan, 24-26 July 2017.
- “An overview of the rule of law crisis in Africa,” Paper presented at the conference “The rule of law in Sub-Saharan Africa: Promises, progress, pitfalls and prospects,” Pretoria, 29-30 June 2017.
- “Ensuring an enabling environment for the effective exercise of the right to participate in public affairs: the normative and institutional frameworks,” Paper presented at the Regional consultation on draft guidelines on the effective implementation of the right to participate in public affairs, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 6-7 September 2017.
- “Overcoming the challenges to separation of power in modern African constitutionalism,” Paper presented at Conference on “Separation des pouvoirs et contre-pouvoirs,” Niamey Congress Hall, 10-14 October 2017.
- “The crisis of corruption and constitutionalism in Africa,” Paper presented during the Fifth Stellenbosch Annual Seminar on Constitutionalism in Africa, Stellenbosch 19-22 September 2017.
- “Elections and electoral system in South Africa,” Paper presented at the workshop on “Elections and electoral systems,” 30 November – 3 December 2017, Khartoum, Sudan.
- “The semi-presidential systems: Constitutional options for genuine power-sharing,” Paper presented at workshop on “Analysis of provisions of the Interim national Constitution of the Republic of Sudan of 2005 and implementing legislation relating to systems of governance,” 4-5 December 2017, Khartoum, Sudan.
- “Administrative, financial and legislative responsibilities of central government: A comparative approach,” paper presented at the Max Planck Foundation for International Peace and the Rule of Law Capacity-building Workshop on the “Levels of government in a decentralised system: Central, provincial and municipal competences,” Khartoum, Sudan 8-9 February 2016.
- (with Lukman Abdulrauf), “ The African Union’s Data Protection Convention 2014: A possible cause for celebration of human Rights in Africa,” paper presented at the Seventh International Conference on Information Law and Ethics 2016 on the theme, “ Broadening the Horizons of Information Law and Ethics. A time for inclusion,” Pretoria, 22-23 February, Pretoria, South Africa.
- “Strengthening central and regional governmental relations through constitutional and legal reforms: A comparative approach,” paper presented at a Max Planck Foundation for International Peace and the Rule of Law capacity-building workshop on the “Design and implementation of a decentralised constitutional system: interrelationship between levels of government,” 4-7 April 2016, Pretoria.
- “Towards a judicial democracy to consolidate the rule of law in Africa,” paper presented at an International IDEA conference on “Challenges to the rule of law in Africa,”, Pretoria, 12-13 April 2016.
- “The Diffusion of SA-Style Independent Institutions? A Study in Comparative African Constitutionalism,” paper presented at the Comparative constitutional law conference on “Constitutional Triumphs, Constitutional Disappointments: A Critical Assessment of the 1996 South African Constitution’s Local and International Influence, “ at the Faculty of law, University of New South Wales, Sydney Australia, 27-28 April 2016.
- The launch of the book, “Separation of powers in African constitutionalism,” at the International Association of Constitutional Law roundtable on “The Invisible Constitution: Comparative Perspectives,” Melbourne Law School, Australia, 2-3 May 2016.
- “Substantive Jurisdiction of Constitutional Courts: A Global Comparison,” Paper presented at the workshop for Judges of the South Sudan Supreme Court on the “Foundations of Constitutional Adjudication,” Juba, South Sudan, 16-18 February 2015.
- “Some Critical Issues in Designing Institutions and Mechanisms for the Implementation and Enforcement of the Constitution,” paper presented at the Max Planck Foundation for International Peace and the Rule of Law Capacity-building Workshop on the Implementation and Protection of the Constitution, Khartoum, Sudan, 16-18 March 2015.
- “Preserving Limits on Government Powers in Africa: Some Reflections on the Past, the Present and the Future,” paper presented at the International Bar Association Conference on “Celebrating Magna Carta and the Rule of Law,” Cape Town, South Africa, 16 May 2015.
- “Re-conceptualising the Division of Powers between the Judiciary and the Legislature: Some Perspectives on Developments in Africa,” paper presented the International Association of Constitutional Law Roundtable conference on “The ‘New’ Separation of Powers: Can the Doctrine Evolve to Meet the 21st Century Context,” Johannesburg, South Africa, 28-29 May 2015.
- “An overview and evolution of African constitutional courts,” keynote presented at the Third Stellenbosch Annual Seminar on Constitutionalism in Africa, 16 September 2015.
- “Silencing the guns by 2020: Role of constitutionalism and rule of law,” Paper presented at the “Third high level dialogue on democratic governance in Africa,” Dakar, Senegal, 30-31 November 2014.
- “Priority issues to consider in drafting a new constitution for the Central African Republic,” presentation made in Bangui on 8 September 2014, at a workshop on the post-conflict intervention framework for the Central African Republic, 5-14 September 2014.
- (with Horace Adjolohoun) “Separation of powers and the role of the public prosecutor in Francophone Africa,” paper presented during the Second Stellenbosch Annual Seminar on Constitutionalism in Africa (SASCA 2014), on 17 September 2014.
- “An overview of separation of powers in Africa,” paper presented during the Second Stellenbosch Annual Seminar on Constitutionalism in Africa (SASCA 2014), on 17 September 2014.
- “Pan-African Parliament and law-making: The prospects for legal harmonisation using model laws,” seminar paper presented at STIAS, Stellenbosch on 4 September 2014.
- “Law-making by the Pan African Parliament: Model law option,” lecture given to the Pan-African Parliament at Midrand, Johannesburg on 9 August 2014.
- “Unconstitutional Changes of Government and Popular Uprisings in Africa: Some Perspectives on a Robust and Principled Response,” Paper presented at the “Constitutionalism and Rule of Law: Brainstorming and Expanding the AU Doctrine on Unconstitutional Changes of Government,” held on 14-16 July 2014 in Pretoria, South Africa.
- “Judicial and Jurisprudential Power of African Constitutional Court Judges,” Paper presented at the Conference of African Constitutional Jurisdictions of Africa (CCJA) held from 11-14 June 2014, Cotonou, Benin.
- “Strengthening constitutional order and upholding the rule of law in Africa: An overview of the situation in central Africa,” Paper presented at the High Level Panel Discussion on “Enhancing Constitutionalism and the Rule of Law in Africa,” Dakar, Senegal, 25-27 November 2013.
- “Teaching of Constitutional Law in Africa,” Paper presented at the Stellenbosch Annual Seminar on Constitutionalism in Africa, 4-6 September 2013, Stellenbosch.
- “Constitution-building in Africa: The never-ending story of the making, unmaking and remaking of constitutions,” paper presented at a seminar at the Stellenbosch Institute for Advanced Study on 26 September 2013.
- “Rethinking Anti-Corruption Strategies in Africa: Constitutional Entrenchment as a Basis for Credible and Effective Anti-Corruption Clean-ups,” paper presented at a Symposium on “Finding Solutions to Africa’s Development,” held at UNISA, Pretoria, 25-26 July 2013.
- “Religion and state relations in Cameroon: A complex history of tension, regulatory control and accommodation,” Paper presented at the International conference on law and religion in Africa: comparative practices, experiences and prospects, Accra, Ghana, 14-15 January 2013
- “Africanisation of Legal Education Programmes: The Need for Comparative African Legal Studies,” Paper presented at a Comparative Law in Africa Methodology Workshop in Cape Town, 22-24 October 2012.
- “The Cameroonian Judiciary in an Era of Expanding Judicial Power,” Paper presented at a workshop on “Constitutional Challenges in South Sudan,” 20-22 August 2012, Juba South Sudan.
- “Managing Legal Diversity: Cameroonian Bi-juralism at a Critical Crossroad,” Paper presented at a conference on Mixed Legal Systems, East and West: Newest Trends and Developments, Valletta, Malta, 14-15 May 2012.
- “The Expansion of Judicial Power in Africa and Democratic Consolidation: Opportunities, Challenges and Future Prospects,” Paper presented at the IAD Symposium on Elections, Accountability and Democratic Governance in Africa, Cornell University, New York, 19-21 April 2012.
- “Some Reflections on the Future of International Commercial Law in Africa,” Paper presented at the First African Conference on International Commercial Law, Douala, Cameroon, 13-14 January 2011.
- “The role of constitutional changes and human rights in transforming African regimes,” Paper presented at the HESP’s Regional Seminar for Excellence in Teaching in Budapest, 11-17 July 2010.
- “African bill of rights in a comparative perspective,” under the “African Scholar Lecture Series in the College of Law,” at UNISA on 4 August 2010.
- “African constitutional courts,” a report to be presented at the Konrad-Adenauer Foundation and Max Planck Institute conference on constitutional courts, human rights and democracy and development in Heidelberg Germany, 12-13 November 2009.
- “Judicial activism in Africa: Possible defence against authoritarian resurgence?” (Paper jointly presented with Prof. E.K. Quansah at annual conference of the African Network of Constitutional Lawyers’ on “Judicialism and Good Governance,” in Cape Town, 25-28 August 2009.
- “The constitution as a source of accountability: The role of constitutionalism,” paper presented at an International conference on “Sources of accountability on the African continent,” Cape Town, 20-24 July 2009.
- “Mixed systems in Southern Africa: Divergences and convergences,” paper presented at a joint colloquium hosted by the International Academy of Legal Science and the World Society of Mixed Jurisdiction Jurists at the University of Stellenbosch, 14-15 May 2009.
- “The challenges facing constitutionalism in the next decade,” Lecture delivered at UCT on Monday 20 April 2009.
- “Enhancing the Judicial Role in Human Rights Protection in Botswana,” paper presented at a conference on “Protection of Human Rights in Botswana: Emerging Issues,” Gaborone, 5 June 2008.
- “The Challenges of Human Rights Protection in Botswana in the 21st Century,” paper presented at a conference on “Protection of Human Rights in Botswana: Emerging Issues,” Gaborone, 5 June 2008.
- “A Critical Assessment of the Legal Responses to the HIV/AIDS Pandemic in Botswana,” Paper presented with Dr. K. Solo at the Conference on “HIV/AIDS, vulnerable groups, human rights and development in Botswana,” Gaborone, 15-16 November 2007.
- “Limits on the Powers to Amend Constitutions: Recent Trends in Africa and their Potential Impact on Constitutionalism,” Paper presented in Athens, Greece, during the World Congress of Constitutional Law on the theme, “Rethinking the Boundaries of Constitutional Law,” 11-15 June 2007.
- “Presidential Term Limits and their Impact on constitutionalism in Africa,” paper presented in Nairobi, Kenya, during the African Network of Constitutional Lawyers’ Conference on “Fostering Constitutionalism in Africa,” 18-20 April 2007.
- “Legal education in Botswana,” paper presented during the “Sino-African Legal Education and Legal Culture Forum,” Renmin University of China Law School, Beijing, China, 8 November 2006.
- “The Botswana legal system and its evolution,” paper presented during the “Symposium on Law and Socio-Economic Development: A Comparative Study of Law and African States,” Xiangtan University, China, 20 October – 6 November 2006.
- “Challenges to constitutionalism and constitutional rights in Africa and the enabling role of political parties: Lessons and perspectives from Southern Africa,” Paper presented at a seminar at the South African Institute for Advanced Constitutional, Public, Human Rights and International Law (SAIFAC), Johannesburg, on 21 July 2005. The research for this paper was carried out during my period as a sabbatical fellow at SAIFAC from 2 June to 30 July 2006.
- “The African Union and its institutional framework for promoting democracy and good governance: Pragmatic rhetoric or realizable goal? Paper presented at the Organisation for Social Science Research in Eastern and Southern Africa Conference on “International aid, trade and development in Africa: The search for a development paradigm,” Addis Ababa, 21-23 November 2005.
- Keynote address on “ Highest courts departing from precedents: The Botswana Court of Appeal in Kweneng Land Board v Mpofu and Nonong,” presented at the certificate award ceremony of the Certificate Programme in Law, Department of Jurisprudence, University of South Africa, on 12 May 2005.
- Presentation on the use of UPEACE teaching packages in teaching and research in gender and peace building at the Second UPEACE Faculty and Staff Development Seminar on Gender & Peace building, Kitwe, Zambia, 4-7 April 2005.
- “Post 1990 constitutional reforms in Africa: A preliminary assessment of the prospects for constitutional governance and constitutionalism,” paper presented at the Organisation for Social Science Research in Eastern and Southern Africa (OSSREA) International Conference on African Conflicts: Management, resolution, post-conflict recovery and development, 29 November – 1 December 2004, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
- “The peace studies project in the University of Botswana,” paper presented during the University for Peace and Dag Hammarskjöld Centre Faculty and Staff Development Seminar on Gender and Peace Building, Kitwe, Zambia 26- 30 July 2004.
- “The status of children’s rights and enforcement mechanisms in Botswana,” paper presented during the Regional Interdisciplinary course on Children’s rights, in Harare, Zimbabwe, from 1-19 March 2004.
- “Research proposal on a diagnostic survey of corruption in Botswana,” paper presented during a training course on Social science research methodology offered by the Research Methodology Training Institute of the Organisation for Social Science Research in Eastern and Southern Africa (OSSREA), from 8 to 19 December 2003.
- “Kweneng Land Board v Matlho Revisited: The predicament over certainty and flexibility in the ascertainment of customary law in Botswana,” paper presented at the Southern African Society of Legal Historians’ Conference, 15-17 January 2003, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa.
- “The prospects for peace-building through Truth Commissions in Africa,” paper presented at the Organisation for Social Science Research in Eastern and Southern Africa (OSSREA) Congress on the theme “ The Quest for Social Peace in Africa: Transformations, Democracy and Public Policy”, held in Khartoum, Sudan, 14 – 20 December 2002.
- “Protecting constitutional values in Africa: A comparison of Botswana and Cameroon,” lecture delivered at the Faculty of Law, University of South Africa (UNISA), on 13 September 2002.
- "Conflict dynamics and Botswana's exceptionality," paper presented during a specialization course on “Demobilization, Disarmament and Reintegration,” in Mozambique, 8-15 July 2001.
- "Peace-building in Africa: Lessons from Truth Commissions," paper presented during a specialization course on conflict Resolution at the Department of Peace and Conflict Research, University of Uppsala, 18 April-30 June 2001.
- “Cameroon’s troubled democratic transition and the deconstruction of the federalist problematic,” paper presented at a conference on “Cameroon: Transitions and Transformation”, Rice University, Houston, 6-8 April 2001.
- "The risk of exclusion from the digital global economy: The case of Botswana," paper presented at the International Conference on "E-Work Location in a Digital Global Economy" at Budapest, 24-25 October 2000. Http://
- "Cameroonian bi-juralism: current challenges and future prospects," paper presented at the Southern African Society of Legal Historians" conference, 23-25 January 1999, at Pretoria, South Africa.
- "The legal and institutional framework for combating corruption in Cameroon," paper presented at a seminar on "Good Governance" organized by the African Association for Public for Public Administration and Management (AAPAM) Cameroon Chapter, 8 August 1997.
- “Legal and regulatory constraints to the effective functioning of a free market in Cameroon," paper presented at Seminar on "Towards a Dynamic African Association for Public Administration and Management (AAPAM) Cameroon Chapter, 25-27 September 1995.
Technical Reports
- (With Segnonna Horace Adjolohoun) Study on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on access to justice in West Africa (Benin, Niger and Senegal) August 2021.
- Judicial Review in Africa: Options Paper (Prepared for the African Network of Constitutional Lawyers and International IDEA). 2021
- “Guidelines for the amendment of national constitutions by African Union member states,” (Prepared for the Department of Political Affairs of the African Union).
- “Stemming the tide against corruption through Regional Economic Communities: Stories of success in fighting corruption in Africa,” Study prepared for the AU African Union Advisory Board on Corruption (AU ABC) 2019.
- “The ACDEG and AU-CPCC: Exploring the Potential Impact of Treaty Domestication on the Democratic Quality of Elections in Sub-Saharan Africa,” (2017) Paper was commissioned by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), Section for Regional Development Cooperation in Addis Ababa, through Sida’s Helpdesk in Democratic Governance and Human Rights in Sub-Saharan Africa, managed by FCG Sweden.
- “Unconstitutional Changes of Government and Popular Uprisings in Africa: Some Perspectives on a Robust and Principled Response,” report submitted to International IDEA and AU, 16 June 2014.
- “The Context of Justice in Africa: Emerging Trends and Prospects,” at UNDP conference on “Empowered Lives, Resilient Nations: The Role of Law and Justice in Africa’s Development,” Pretoria, 21-23 November 2011.
- AU Model Law on Anti-Terrorism. Prepared as a consultant to the African Union.
- "Rules Governing Contracts in Cameroon" in Crosscutting Constraints and Policy Reform, USAID Cameroon and Associates in Rural Development Inc, Burlington (1994) 14 pages
- "Terms and Conditions of Work in Cameroon" in Crosscutting Constraints and Policy Reforms. USAID Cameroon and Associates in Rural Development Inc. Burlington (1994) 29 pages.
- "The Contribution of Italian Aid to the Development of Cameroon, 1962-1990" (Unpublished) 102 pages.
- (With Njoku Ama), “Patenting and its effect on Research Capacity and Utilization,”
- (With Njoku Ama), “Assessing the challenges of patent and research exemptions on research capacity and utilization in Universities, research institutions and industry in Botswana,” (collaborative study with Dr. Ama sponsored by the Canadian International Development Research Centre (IDRC)
Academic Awards & Recognition
- Associate Member, International Academy of Comparative Law since 2018
- Fellow, Stellenbosch Institute for Advanced Study (STIAS)
- Recipient of University of Pretoria Chancellor's Award for Research 2021
- Received the Bobbert Association Prize for best article for the article, “Some insights into statutory law-making in Botswana,” awarded by the Editorial Board of the Journal for Juridical Science, in 2003.
- Received the Wedderburn Prize 2003 for the article, “The protection of freedom of expression in the public service media in Southern Africa: A Botswana perspective”, which appeared in the Modern Law Review, by the Modern Law Review Editorial Committee.
- Appointed as Professor Honorarius of the Department of Jurisprudence, University of South Africa 2003-2007.
- Awarded the special commendation for research excellence by the University Research Awards Committee for the year 2004 (runner up to University Researcher of the Year).
- Awarded the special commendation for research excellence by the University Research Awards Committee for the year 2005(runner up to University Researcher of the Year).
- Awarded the special commendation for research excellence by the University Research Awards Committee for the year 2007(runner up to University Researcher of the Year).
- Received a B1 rating from the South African National Research Foundation in 2016.
- Admitted as a member of the Academy of Science of South Africa in November 2016.
Member of Editorial Board of the following Journals:
- African Journal of International Affairs
- International Encyclopaedia of Laws, Belgium
- Fundamina. A Journal of Legal History.
- City University of Hong Kong Law Review.
- Journal of Eastern and Central African Studies
- Revue Doctrinale du Droit Guinéen
- Founding editor-in-chief, University of Botswana Law Journal (UBLJ), 2005-2009.
- McGill Journal of International Law & Legal Pluralism
- Africa Journal of Comparative Constitutional Law
- De Jure Law Journal
- Pretoria Students Law Review (PSLR)
- Pretoria University Law Press (PULP)
Membership of the following Scientific Professional Associations:
- Southern African Society of Legal Historians
- African Network of Constitutional Lawyers (ANCL) and member of its Advisory board
- International Association of Constitutional Law and member of its executive committee as well as Vice President of the association.
- Associate member of the International Academy of Comparative Law
Other International Positions
- Consultant to the African Union on the African Governance Architecture (AGA) cluster on constitutionalism and the rule of law.
- Consultant to the Max Planck Foundation on International Peace and the Rule of Law Programmes in Africa.
- Consultant to International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA) programme for Sub Saharan Africa and East Asia.
- Founding member of the Transnational Advisory Group to the Association of American Law Schools (AALS),
- Fellow of the Stellenbosch Institute for Advanced Study (STIAS);
- Organizer of the Stellenbosch Annual Seminars on Constitutionalism in Africa.
- Former member of the National Research Foundation (NRF) Specialist Committee for Law and also member Member of its Review Panel for SARChI chairs.