LLB(Wales) LLM(Wales) LLD(UFS)
Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights; Disability Rights; Race and Cultural Studies
Professor of Human Rights Law
Tel: +27 (0)12 420 3801
Constitutional Law, Human Rights Law, Health and Human Rights, Sexual and Reproductive Rights, Disability and Human Rights and Race and common citizenships
• Research Gate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Charles_Ngwena
• SSRN: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/cf_dev/AbsByAuth.cfm?per_id=1664600
Other Positions
Professor, Department of Constitutional Law, University of the Free State (2002-2012)
Senior Researcher, Centre for Health Systems Research & Development, University of the Free State (1997)
Associate Professor, Department of Procedural Law, Vista University (1997)
Lecturer, Department of Procedural Law, Vista University (1996-1997)
Lecturer, Department of Law, University of Swaziland (1995-1996)
Lecturer, Cardiff Law School, University of Wales (1988-1995)
Tutor-in-Law, Cardiff Law School, University of Wales (1986-1988)
Current Projects
1. Wring book on women’s inclusion, the reproductive economy and the promise of second-wave African constitutions for Routledge.
2. Co-editing proceedings of a colloquium on ‘Reading the LBGTI category at the locale: overcoming status subordination of African sexualities and genders.’
• Medical Law, Health and Human Rights
• Sexual & Reproductive Rights
• African Disability Rights Studies
• Race and common citizenships
Supervision: LLD students
Diana Msipa (LLD)
Access to justice and consent: Responding appropriately to sexual violence against persons with disabilities in Zimbabwe
Chigudu R (DPhil)
State regulation of sexualities and the construction of lesbian identity: A study of contemporary Zimbabwe
Sibande C (LLD)
Enforcement of the human rights of sex workers in Malawi
Holness W (LLD)
Support for the parental rights and responsibilities of mothers with intellectual disabilities 2017.
Oluchina WA (LLD)
Using supported decision-making to realise the right to vote for persons with intellectual disabilities in Kenya
Satang Nabaneh S (LLD)
Power dynamics in the provision of legal abortion in South Africa: A feminist perspective on nurses and conscientious objection
Moses Mulumba M (LLD)
Developing a human rights-based approach to community participation in the healthcare systems with special reference to Uganda
Ofuani A (LLD)
Intersection between contraceptive decision-making and intellectual disability. Expected to complete in 2018
Ngozi Umeh N (LLD)
Realising access to inclusive education for hearing-impaired learners in Nigerian primary schools. Completed in 2017
Larissa Heuer (DPhil)
Sex work and human rights South Africa: Towards a human rights-based reform of the Sexual Offences Act
Maurice Odour (LLD)
Informal justice structures and the protection of matrimonial property rights of widows in rural Kenya

Editorships and membership of editorial boards
Member of Editorial Advisory Board, African Journal of Disability (current)
Associate Editor, International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology (current)
Member of the Editorial Board, Journal of African Law (current)
Convening Editor, African Yearbook on Disability Rights (current)
Section Editor (Law & Bioethics), Developing World Bioethics (current)
Member of Editorial Board, Stellenbosch Law Review (current)
Member of the Editorial Board, Medical Law International (current)
Member of the Editorial Board, Journal for Juridical Science (2013-2014)
Member of Editorial Board, Constitutional Court Review (2008-2012)
Chief Editor, Journal for Juridical Science (2003-2012)
Advisory Editor, Butterworths Medico-Legal Reports, Butterworths (1997-2008)
Co-editor, Butterworths Medico-Legal Reports, Butterworths (1992-1996)
Editorship of Special Issues in peer-reviewed journals
- CG Ngwena & C Albertyn (eds) Special issue on ‘Disability, equality and transformation in post-apartheid South Africa’ South African Journal on Human Rights Vol. 30 (2014)
- CG Ngwena & RJ Cook (eds) Special Issue on HIV/AIDS, ‘Pregnancy and Reproductive Autonomy: Rights and Duties’, Developing World Bioethics Vol. 8(1) (2008).
Visiting Fellowships
2014: O’Brien Fellow, Centre for Human Rights and Legal Pluralism, McGill University.
2009: Distinguished Visiting Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Toronto.
1997: Senior Visiting Fellow, Centre for Professional Ethics, University of Central Lancashire
2009: 10: Eleanor Roosevelt Fellow, Harvard Human Rights Program, Harvard Law School.
2009: Frances Lewis Law Centre’s Scholar-in-Residence, School of Law, Washington and Lee University
2007: Visiting Senior Research Fellow, International Health and Human Rights Program, Harvard School of Public Health
2007: Visiting Scholar, Center for Reproductive Rights, New York
2006: Visiting Fellow, Irish Centre for Human Rights, National University of Ireland, Galway 2004: Visiting Fellow, Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, University College London
2005: Distinguished Visiting Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Toronto
2005: Visiting Fellow, Faculty of Law & Centre for Disability Studies, University of Leeds
2004: Visiting Fellow, Faculty of Law & Centre for Disability Studies, University of Leeds
Committee Membership
2008-2011: Member of Stellenbosch Institute for Advanced Study (STIAS) Advisory Committee
2008 : Member of the Ethics Research Committee of the World Health Organisation
2007 : Member of Technical Task Team on Law and Human Rights to the South African National AIDS Council
2007 : Temporary Adviser to the WHO’s Gender and Rights Advisory Panel
2006 : Member of Steering Committee: Review of South African National Research Evaluation and Rating System
2005-2006: Member of the National Research Foundation (NRF) Rating Panel for Law
2005: Member of the University of the Free State HIV/AIDS Forum.
2004 : Member of Board of Trustees, Association of University Legal Aid Clinics (AULAI)
2004-2005: Member of the Scientific Advisory Committee to the South African AIDS Vaccine Initiative
2003-2004: Member of Wellcome Trust Biomedical Ethics Panel
2003-: Member of the Advisory Board of the International Programme on Reproductive and Sexual Health Law, Faculty of Law, University of Toronto
2002-: Member of the Scientific and Ethical Review Group of the Special Programme of Research, Development and Research Training in Human Reproduction of WHO
2001-2003: Member of the Advisory Board of the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies
2000-2004: Member of the Board of Trustees of the Progressive Primary Health Network (Free State Province)
2000-2001: Member of the Advisory Task Team to the South African National AIDS Council
1998-2001: Member of the Advisory Panel on History, Law, Political Science and
Philosophy of the Division for Social Science and Humanities (DSS&H) (formerly CSD) of the National Research Foundation (NRF)
1997-2001: Member of Free State Provincial Government Legislative Task Team on Health
1996-1999: Member of Free State Provincial Team on HIV/AIDS
Grants Awarded
Recipient of research grants from the following institutions and foundations: Health Systems Trust; National Research Foundation; Ipas; Ford Foundation; Wellspring Foundation; and Open Society Foundation.
Academic Publications
- Ngwena CG (2018) What is Africanness? Constesting nativism in race, culture and sexualities Pretoria University Law Press.
- Ngwena CG. 2018. Reproductive autonomy of women and girls under the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 140(1): 128-133.
- Ngwena CG. 2016. Taking women’s rights seriously: using human rights to require state implementation of domestic abortion laws in African countries with special reference to Uganda Journal of African Law 60(1): 110-140.
- Ngwena CG, Brookman-Amissah E & Skuster P 2015. Human rights advances in women’s reproductive health in Africa. International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 129: 184-87.
- Ngwena, CG & Durojaye ET (eds) (2014) Strengthening the protection of sexual and reproductive health through human rights in the African region. Pretoria: Pretoria University Law Press.
- Mavundla S & Ngwena CG 2014. ‘Access to abortion for rape as a reproductive health right: a commentary on the abortion regimes of Case study of Swaziland and Ethiopia’ in Ngwena CG & Durojaye ET (eds) Strengthening protection of sexual and reproductive health through human rights in the Sub-Saharan region. Pretoria: Pretoria University Law Press: 61-78
- Ngwena CG. 2014. Reforming African Abortion Laws: The Place of Transparency’. RJ Cook, J Erdman & BM Dickens Abortion law in transnational perspective: Cases and controversies University of Pennsylvania Press: 166-186.
- Ngwena CG & Durojaye ET 2014. ‘Introducing protection of sexual and reproductive health through human rights in the African region’ in Ngwena CG & Durojaye ET (eds) Strengthening protection of sexual and reproductive health through human rights in the Sub-Saharan region. Pretoria: Pretoria University Law Press: 1-30.
- Ngwena CG 2014. Case T-388/09: A Commentary on a Decision of the Constitutional Court of Colombia from an African Regional Perspective. in Women’s Link Worldwide and O’Neill Institute for National and Global Health Law (eds) T-388/2009 Conscientious Objection and Abortion: A Global Perspective on the Colombian Experience Women’s Link Worldwide and O’Neill Institute for National and Global Health Law (2014): 157-176.
- Ngwena CG. 2014. Conscientious objection to abortion and accommodating women’s reproductive health rights: reflections on a decision of the Constitutional Court of Colombia from an African regional human rights perspective. Journal of African Law 58: 183-209.
- Ngwena CG. 2014. Developing juridical method for overcoming status subordination in disablism: the place of transformative epistemologies. South African Journal on Human Rights 30: 275-312.
- Ngwena CG, Cook RJ & Durojaye ET 2013. ‘Right to Health in Post-apartheid era South Africa’ in Zuniga JM, Marks SJ Gostin LO (eds) Advancing the human right to health Oxford University Press: 129-142.
- Ngwena CG 2013. Human right to inclusive education: exploring a double discourse of inclusive education. Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights 31(4): 473-504.
- Ngwena CG. 2013. Western Cape Forum for Intellectual Disability v Government of the Republic of South Africa: A Case Study of Contradictions in Inclusive Education. African Disability Rights Yearbook 2013 1:129-164
- Ngwena CG 2013. Scope and limits of judicialisation of the constitutional right to health in South Africa: an appraisal of key cases with particular reference to justiciability. Journal of Health Law (Revista De Direito Sanitário) 14(2): 43-64.
- Ngwena CG 2013. Promoting access to safe abortion as human right in the African region: Drawing lessons from emerging jurisprudence of United Nations treaty monitoring bodies’. South African Journal on Human Rights 29: 399-428.
- Ngwena CG. 2013. Reforming African abortion laws to achieve transparency: arguments from equality. African Journal of International and Comparative Law 21(3): 398-426.
- Ngwena CG. 2013. A Commentary on L.C. v Peru: The CEDAW Committee’s First Decision on Abortion. Journal of African Law 57(2): 310-324.
- Ngwena CG. 2013. Developing regional abortion jurisprudence: comparative lessons for African Charter organs. Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights 31(1): 9-40.
- Ngwena CG 2012. State obligations to implement African abortion laws: Employing human rights in a changing legal landscape. International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 119: 189-202.
- Ngwena CG & Pretorius JL 2012. Substantive Equality for Disabled Learners in State Provision of Basic Education: A Commentary on Western Cape Forum for Intellectual Disability v Government of the Republic of South Africa and Another. South African Journal on Human Rights 28: 81-115.
- Ngwena CG 2010. The New Disability Convention: Implications for Disability Equality Norms in the South African Workplace in OC Dupper & C Garbers (eds) Equality in the Workplace Cape Town: Juta & Co Ltd: 181-203
- Ngwena CG 2010. Inscribing Abortion as a Human Right: Significance of the Protocol on the Rights of Women in Africa. Human Rights Quarterly 32: 783-864.
- Ngwena CG 2010. Protocol to the African Charter on the Rights of Women: Implications for Access to Abortion at the Regional Level. International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics 110(2): 163-166.
- Ngwena CG 2009. ‘Introduction to the Symposium Issue: Reproductive and Sexual Health and the African Women’s Protocol Washington and Lee Journal of Civil Rights and Social Justice 16: 1-10.
- Cook RJ & Ngwena CG (eds) (2007) Health and Human Rights Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing Ltd.
- Ngwena CG & JL Pretorius 2007. Conceiving Disability and Applying the Constitutional test for Fairness and Justifiability: A Commentary on IMATU v City of Cape Town Industrial Law Journal 28: 747-768.
- Ngwena CG 2007. Deconstructing the Definition of ‘Disability’ under the Employment Equity Act: Legal Deconstruction. South African Journal on Human Rights 23: 116-156.
- Ngwena CG 2006. Deconstructing the Definition of ‘Disability’ under the Employment Equity Act: Part 1 Social Deconstruction. South African Journal on Human Rights 22: 613-646.
- Cook RJ and Ngwena CG 2006. Women’s access to health care: The Legal Framework International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics 94(3): 216-225.
- Ngwena CG. 2005. Synchronising Traditional Legal responses to Non-consensual Sexual Experiences with Contemporary Human Rights Jurisprudence. In Jeejeeboy S, Shah I and Thapa S (eds) Sex Without Consent: Young People in Developing Countries. Zed Books: 227-235.
- Ngwena CG 2005. Interpreting Aspects of the Intersection between Disability, Discrimination and Equality: Lessons for the Employment Equity Act from Comparative Law: Part II (Reasonable accommodation). Stellenbosch Law Review 16(3): 534-561.
- Ngwena CG 2005. Interpreting Aspects of the Intersection between Disability, Discrimination and Equality: Lessons for the Employment Equity Act from Comparative law: Part I (Defining Disability). Stellenbosch Law Review 16(2): 210-243.
- Ngwena CG 2005. The Development of the South African Health System: from Privilege to Egalitarianism. In Van der Walt AJ (ed) Theories of Social and Economic Justice Stellenbosch: Sun Press 179-189. Revised and Edited from Ngwena CG 2004. The development of the South African health system: from privilege to egalitarianism. De Jure 290-311.
- Ngwena CG & Cook RJ 2005. Rights Concerning Health. In Brand D and Heyns CH (eds.) Socio-economic rights in South Africa (2005) Pretoria: Pretoria University Law Press: 107-151.
- Ngwena CG 2005. Internally displaced persons. In Yamin AE (ed) Learning to Dance: Advancing Women’s Reproductive and Sexual Well-being from the Perspectives of Public Health and Human Rights. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Francois-Xavier Bagnoud Centre for Public Health and Human Rights: 70-82.
- Ngwena CG 2004. Access to health care services as a human right: an appraisal of Treatment Action Campaign & Others v Minister of Health and Others. In Okpaluba MC (ed) Law and Contemporary South African Society, Johannesburg: New Africa Education: 17-37.
- Pelser AJ, Ngwena CG & Summerton J 2004. The HIV/AIDS epidemic in South Africa: trends, impacts and policy responses. In Van Rensburg HCJ (ed) Health and Health Care in South Africa. Pretoria: Van Schaik: 275-314.
- Ngwena CG. 2004. An Appraisal of Abortion Laws in Southern Africa from a Reproductive Health Rights Perspective. Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 32(4): 708-717.
- Ngwena CG 2004. Access to Abortion: Legal Developments in Africa from a Reproductive and Sexuality rights Perspective. SA Public Law 19(2): 328-350
- Ngwena CG 2004. Domestication of International Strategies in Tobacco Control: The Case of South Africa. Obiter 25(2): 425-442.
- Ngwena CG 2004. The Development of the South African Health System: From Privilege to Egalitarianism. De Jure 290-311.
- Ngwena CG 2004. Equality for People with Disabilities in the Workplace: An Overview of the Emergence of Disability as a Human Rights Issue Journal for Juridical Science 29(2): 167-197.
- Ngwena CG 2003. Socio-economic Rights – Transforming South Africa: A Response to Linda Janse van Rensburg’ Potchesfstroom Electronic Law Journal 6(2): 71/167-79/167.
- Ngwena CG & Pretorius JL 2003 Code of Good Practice on the Employment of People with Disabilities: An Appraisal. Industrial Law Journal 24: 1816-1839.
- Ngwena CG 2003. Equity and the Development of the South African Health Care System: From the Public Health Act of 1919 to the Present day. Fundamina 9: 124-133.
- Ngwena CG & Matela S 2003. Hoffmann v South African Airways and HIV/AIDS in the Workplace: Subjecting Corporate Ideology to the Majesty of the Constitution. SA Public Law 18(2): 306-330.
- Ngwena CG 2003. Responses to AIDS and Constitutionalism in South Africa. Obiter 24(2): 299-313.
- Ngwena CG 2003. AIDS in Schools: Mapping the Parameters of Sexuality Education from a Human Rights Perspective. Acta Academica 35(2): 184-204.
- Ngwena CG 2003. Right of Access to Antiretroviral Therapy to Prevent Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV: An Application of Section 27 of the Constitution. SA Public Law 18(1): 83-102.
- Ngwena CG 2003. Conscientious Objection to Abortion in South Africa: Delineating the Parameters. Journal for Juridical Science 28(1): 1-18
- Ngwena CG 2003. Access to Health Care Services as a Justiciable Socio-economic Right under the South African Constitution. Minister of Health and Others v Treatment Action Campaign and Others. Medical Law International 6: 13-23
- Ngwena CG 2002. Access to Health Care and the Courts: A Note on Minister of Health and Others v Treatment Action Campaign and Others. SA Public Law 17(2): 449-458.
- Ngwena CG 2002. Sexuality Rights in Southern Africa with a Particular Reference to South Africa. SA Public Law 17(2): 1-21.
- Singh J & Ngwena CG. 2001. Bioethics. In McQuoid-Mason, D & Dada MA (eds) Introduction to Medico-legal Practice. Durban: Butterworths: 33-52.
- Van Rensburg HCJ & Ngwena CG 2001. Health and Health Care in South Africa against an African Background. In Cockerham WC (ed.) The Blackwell Companion to Medical Sociology, Oxford: Blackwell: 365-391.
- Ngwena CG 2001. Reasonable Accommodation. In Pretorius, JL, Klink E & Ngwena C (eds) 2001 Employment Equity Law. Durban: Butterworths: 7-1 – 7-34.
- Ngwena CG. 2001. Discrimination in Employment Policies and Practices. In Pretorius, JL, Klink E & Ngwena (eds) 2001. Employment Equity Law. Durban: Butterworths: 8-34 – 8-57.
- Ngwena, CG 2001. Equality for people with disabilities; the limits of the Employment Equity Act of 1998. Acta Juridica: 186-193.
- Pretorius JL, Klink E & Ngwena CG (eds) 2001. Employment Equity Law. Durban: Butterworths (2018 Annual Revision Service).
- Cook RJ, Dickens BM, Ngwena, C & Plata MI. 2001. The Legal Status of Emergency Contraception. International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics 75: 185-191.
- Ngwena CG 2001. Constitutional values and HIV/AIDS in the Workplace. Developing World Bioethics 1: 42-56.
- Ngwena, CG. 2000. Accessing Abortion under the Choice on Termination of Pregnancy Act: Realising Substantive Equality. Journal for Juridical Science 25(3): 19-44.
- Heunis JC, van Rensburg HCJ & Ngwena, CG. 2000. A ‘Youth Multi-Function Centre’ in the Free State: An Envisaged Alternative to Clinic-Based HIV Prevention and Care. Curationis 23(4): 54-62.
- Ngwena CG 2000. Recognition of Access to Health Care as a Human Right in South Africa: Is it enough? Health and Human Rights 5(1): 27-44.
- Engelbrecht MC, Pelser AJ, Ngwena CG & Van Rensburg HCJ. 2000. The Operation of the Choice on Termination of Pregnancy Act: Some Empirical Findings. Curationis 23(2): 4-14.
- Ngwena CG 2000. AIDS in Africa: Access to Health Care as a Human Right. SA Public Law 15(1): 1-25.
- Ngwena CG 2000. Substantive Equality in South African Health Care: The Limits of Law. Medical Law International 4: 1-21.
- Ngwena CG 2000. Access to Health Care as a Fundamental Right: The Scope and
- Limits of Section 27 of the Constitution. Journal for Juridical Science 25(1): 1-32.
- Ngwena CG 2017. Book review of E Barnes E. Minority body: A theory of disability. Oxford: Oxford University Press (2016) (5) African Disability Rights Yearbook 218-224.
- Ngwena CG 2017. Respecting your patient: The constitutional imperatives. Sensitive Midwifery Magazine 8.
- Ngwena CG, Grobbelaar-du Plessis I, Combrinck H & Kamga SD ‘Editorial’ 2015. African Disability Rights Yearbook 2: v-vii.Ngwena CG, Grobbelaar-du Plessis I, Combrinck H & Kamga SD ‘Editorial’ 2014. African Disability Rights Yearbook 3: v-vi.
- Ngwena CG & Albertyn C. 2014. ‘Introduction’ to Special Issue on disability’ South African Journal on Human Rights 30: 210-220.
- Ngwena CG, Grobbelaar-du Plessis I, Combrinck H & Kamga SD. 2014. ‘Editorial’ African Disability Rights Yearbook 1: vii-viii.
- Ngwena CG. 2013. ‘Constitutionalising the right to health: South Africa’ World Association for Medical Law Newsletter 17: 2-4.
- Ngwena CG. 2012. Using human rights to combat unsafe abortion: what needs to be done? Available at <www.chr.up.za/africlaw>.
- Ngwena CG Preface to Legal Grounds. Reproductive and Sexual Rights in African Commonwealth Countries Volume II (2010) 10-11.
- Ngwena CG & RJ Cook ‘Editorial: ‘HIV/AIDS, Pregnancy and Reproductive Autonomy: Rights and Duties’ (2008) 8(1) Developing World Bioethics iii-vi.
- Ngwena CG 2007. Book Review of Hassim A, Heywood M & Berger J (eds) Health & Democracy Cape Town: Syberlink (2007). South African Law Journal 4: 889-896.
- Ngwena CG 2006. Book Review of Chavkin W & Chesler E (eds), Where Human Rights Begin: Health Sexuality and Women in the New Millennium New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers Press (2005). Studies in Family Planning 2006, 3: 3-6.
- Ngwena CG 2006. Book review of Bastos, C. Global Responses to AIDS: Science in Emergency. Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 1999. Developing World Bioethics 6: 54-56.
- Ngwena CG. 1997. South Africa’s New Abortion Law: A Break with the Past. International Association of Bioethics News, Issue No. 6, pp. 3-5.
- Ngwena CG. Headnote and report on Korf v Health Professions Council of South Africa (1999) 55 Butterworths Medico-Legal Reports 245-253.
- Ngwena CG. Headnote and report on Mistry v Interim National Medical and Dental Council of South Africa and Others in (1998) 53 Butterworths Medico-Legal Reports 190-214
- Ngwena C. Headnote and report on Mukheiber v Raath and Another in (1999) 52 Butterworths Medico-Legal Reports 49-64.
- Ngwena CG. Headnote and report on Christian Lawyers Association of SA and Others v Minister of Health and Others in (1998) 50 Butterworths Medico-Legal Reports 241.
- Ngwena CG. Headnote and report on B and Others v Minister of Correctional Services and Others in (1997) 50 Butterworths Medico-Legal Reports 206.
- Ngwena CG. Headnote and report on Soobramoney v Minister of Health, KwaZulu-Natal in (1997) 50 Butterworths Medico-Legal Reports 224.
- Ngwena CG 1995. Book review of Children, Ethics and the Law, GP Koocher & PC Keith-Spiegel. Lincoln and London: Nebraska University Press, 1993, xii + 229pp. Medical Law Review 3: 111-113.
- Ngwena CG. (1994) The Human Genome Project, Predictive Testing and Insurance Contracts: An Overview of the Legal Implications. Euroscreen, Issue No. 2: 1-2.
- Ngwena CG. Headnote and report on Dennis v UK Central Council for Nursing, Midwifery and Health Visiting in (1993) 13 Butterworths Medico-Legal Reports 146-155.
- Ngwena CG. Headnote and report on O (minors) (medical examination), Re (1992) 15 Butterworths Medico-Legal Reports 54-59.
- Ngwena CG. Headnote and report on A-G v X in (1992) 15 Butterworths Medico Legal Reports 104-154.
- Ngwena CG. Headnote and report on R v HM Coroner for Greater London, ex p Thomas (1992) 11 Butterworths Medico-Legal Reports 37-45.
- Ngwena CG. Headnote and report on Airedale NHS Trust v Bland in (1993) 12 Butterworths Medico-Legal Reports 64-143.
- Ngwena CG. Headnote and report on B v Islington Health Authority in (1990) 6 Butterworths Medico- Legal Reports 13-24.
- Ngwena CG. Headnote and report on R v Gwynedd CC, ex parte B in (1991) 7 Butterworths Medico Legal Reports 120-124.
- Ngwena CG. Headnote and report on J (a minor) (wardship: medical treatment), Re (1990) 6 Butterworths Medico-Legal Reports 25-43.
Selected Other Publications
- Ngwena CG 1999. HIV in the Workplace: Protecting Constitutional Rights to Equality and Privacy. South African Journal on Human Rights 15(4): 513-540.
- Ngwena CG. 1999. South Africa’s Employment Equity Act and HIV in the Workplace: Balancing Business Imperatives with Workers’ Dignity. International Association of Bioethics News, Issue No. 10: 4-9.
- Ngwena CG 1998. History and Transformation of Abortion Law in South Africa. Acta Academica 30(3): 32-68.
- Ngwena CG 1998. Legal Responses to AIDS: South Africa. In Frankowski SJ (ed.) 1998. Legal Responses to AIDS in Comparative Perspective. The Hague: Kluwer Law International: 117-167.
- Ngwena CG 1997. HIV Testing in Swaziland: A Human Rights Framework. In Okpaluba C et al (eds.) 1997. Human Rights in Swaziland: The Legal Response. Kwaluseni: Department of Law, University of Swaziland: 210-268.
- Ngwena, CG 1996. Health Care Decision-Making and the Competent Minor in Keightley R (ed.) 1996. Children’s rights. Kenwyn: Juta & Co, Ltd: 132-147. Reprinted from Ngwena, CG 1996. Health Care Decision-Making and the Competent Minor. Acta Juridica, pp. 132-147.
- Ngwena CG 1996. Health Care Decision-Making and the Competent Minor. Acta Juridica, pp. 132-147.
- Chadwick R & Ngwena CG 1995. The Human Genome Project, Predictive Testing and Insurance Contracts: The Legal Response. Res Publica 1(2): 115-129.
- Ngwena CG & Chadwick R 1994. Confidentiality and Nursing Practice: Ethics and Law Nursing Ethics 1(3):136-150.
- With R Chadwick et al. 1993. Human Genome Analysis, Genetic Counselling and Ethics. Global Ethics: 37-45.
- Ngwena CG & Chadwick R 1993. Genetic Diagnostic Information and the duty of confidentiality: Ethics and Law. Medical Law International 1(1): 73-95.
- Chadwick R & Ngwena CG 1992. The Development of a Normative Standard in Counselling for Genetic Disease: Ethics and Law. Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law 4: 276-295.
- Fennell P, Harpwood V & Ngwena C 1992. Medical Law. The All England Reports, Annual Review, London: Butterworths: 285-311.
- Fennell P, Harpwood V & Ngwena, CG 1991. Medical Law. The All England Law Reports, Annual Review, London: Butterworths: 231-254.
Media/ Blog Articles
- “Where is democracy?: Reflections on the ascendancy of Manangawa as president of Zimbabwe,” AfricLaw, 27 November 2017
- “The fall of Mugabe: Could this be the dawn of a new era for Zimbabwe?” University of Pretoria, 27 November 2017
- “What is colonialism to us?” Pretoria News24, 6 April 2017
- Op-Ed “What is colonialism (to us)? Western Cape Premier reveals a Truth,” University of Pretoria, 31 March 2017.
- “Brotherly advice for Zille: don’t become SA’s Trump,” Sunday Times, 23 April 2017.
- “A time to reclaim female identities and equality,” Cape Argus, 7 August 2017
- “What is women’s day to me?: Re-membering Saarjtie Baartman and the place of memory,” University of Pretoria, 8 August 2017
- “Taking the right to equality seriously,” University of Pretoria, 8 March 2016
- Op-Ed “The message of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities: Call to Action!” University of Pretoria, 13 December 2016