BA(Wits) JD(Northeastern) MLIC(Georgetown) LLD(UP)
Emeritus Professor of Law, American University Washington College of Law
+ 27 (12) 420 6202
Global economic governance, International financial institutions, extractive industries and human rights, financial institutions and human rights, international development law, international economy and human rights, international trade and human rights, foreign investment law and human rights.
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- Twitter: @dannybradlow
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Other Positions
Head, International Economic Relations and Policy Department, South African Reserve Bank (SARB) (February 2013—November 2014)
SARCHI Professor of International Development Law and African Economic Relations at the University of Pretoria, South Africa (2009—January 2013) (Extraordinary Professor January 2013—January 2015)
Professor of Law, American University Washington College of Law (August 1995-January 2015)
Director, International Legal Studies Program, American University Washington College of Law, Washington, DC (July 1996-December 2009);
Coordinator, S.J.D. Program (August 2000- December 2006) ,
Coordinator Hubert H. Humphrey Program and International Visiting Scholars Program at WCL, (August 2002-December 2009)
Professor of Law, American University Washington College of Law
Member, Roster of Experts, Independent Review Mechanism, African Development Bank
Member, Board of Directors, International Lawyers and Economists Against Poverty (ILEAP)
Member, Advisory Board, Law, Social Justice and Global Development Journal
Current Projects
Legal Issues in Global Financial Governance
Legal Issues Arising from the Social and Environmental Impacts of ExtractiveIndustry and Large Scale Infrastructure Projects
- Roundtable Discussion: What Role Should Central Banks Play in Dealing with Environmental and Social Challenges like climate change and inequality?
Prof. Daniel Bradlow made inroads in finding alternative funding models for higher education in SA - Foreign Policy during a Global Crisis
- In this edition of Editing Allowed, Hillary Joffe and the panel discuss the pros, cons and potential pitfalls of the IMF's loan to South Africa
- The South African government has asked the International Monetary Fund for $4.2 billion (eNCA 29 July 2002)
- SA Lockdown Day 15 | SA's position in IMF, World Bank virtual Spring Meetings (SABC) (09-04-2020)
- Die IMF se lenings - KN Verslag In Gesprek - 7 Augustus 2019 (KYKNet) (07-08-2019)
- IFI02 - Immunities of International Organizations - Are They Still Viable? (08-11-2017)
- United Nations Audiovisual Library of International Law: International Financial Institutions - International Law and International Financial Institutions
- Strengthening IFIs to Promote Effective International Cooperation (11-11-2012)
- Beyond Markets: Global Economic Governance Africa Project with Danny Bradlow (05-06-2012)
- US Debt - Impact on Emerging Markets with Danny Bradlow, University of Pretoria (18-07-2011)
- Global Summitry, Episode 3: An Interview with Danny Bradlow
Originally Published on The China Africa Project-
Originally Published on Sound Cloud
Online courses
Public Lecture
- International Financial Law
- Legal Aspects of International Economic Governance
Media articles
- Op-Ed: Three reasons why the US Federal Reserve Bank holds the world in its hands
- Op-Ed: When the IMF comes to town: why they visit and what to watch out for
- “A Proposal for a new approach to restructuring African Eurobonds: The DOVE Fund and Principles", SouthViews No. 242, 4 Nov 2022 available at:
wp-content/uploads/2022/11/ SV242_221104.pdf - Op-Ed: Central banks and climate change: how they can play a role in managing the fallout, 15 November 2021
- Op-Ed: The IMF needs an ombudsman with clout, 6 September 2021,
- Op-Ed: How Africa can seize the moment and start resetting its relationship with the IMF, 19 August 2021
- Op-Ed: Nixon’s decision to delink the dollar from gold still hounds the IMF, South Africa and Africa, 16 August 2021
- Introductory Essay: The Role of the Constitution in South Africa's Foreign Policy, 22 March 2021
- How values, interests and power must shape South Africa’s foreign policy, 25 November 2020
- Prudent Debt Management and Lessons from the Mozambique Constitutional Council, 5 August 2020,
- The IMF’s $4bn loan for South Africa: the pros, cons and potential pitfalls, 28 July 2020,
- South Africans should accept that the IMF is neither their worst enemy nor their saviour, 22 July 2020,
- Doves, Vultures and African Debt in the Time of COVID-19, 22 May 2020,
- Deterring the Debt Vultures in Africa, 20 May 2020,
- Reforming Responsibly: Why Governments Should Assess the Human Rights Impacts of Economic Reforms, 30 April 2020,
- "Africa Needs a DOVE Fund", Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung,15 April 2020, [FR]
- "Africa Needs a DOVE Fund", Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung,15 April 2020, [EN]
- "Don’t Let African debt enrich the speculators”, Financial Times, 14 April 2020 available at:
- "The big asks Africa needs to table with the IMF and World Bank: here’s the list", The Conversation, 8 April 2020
- "An IMF that works for Africa”, France: The Biarritz Summit, The Global Governance Project, 12 August 2019. The article is available at:
- "Why central banks need to take human rights more seriously", The Conversation, 14 July 2019.
- "Why central banks need to take human rights more seriously", Open Democracy, 9 July 2019.
- "Why the African Monetary Fund is a good idea and what can be done to get it going", The Conversation, 9 July 2019.
- "July 2019 Summit of the African Union: Jump-starting the African Monetary Fund", Global Development Policy Centre, 8 July 2019
- "Kofi Annan: a complicated legacy of impressive achievements, and some profound failures", The Conversation, 19 August 2018.
- "The BRICS summit: important small steps, but little to show on big issues"The BRICS summit: important small steps, but little to show on big issues", The Conversation, 1 August 2018.
- "How to judge the success of the BRICS summit? Three questions will do the trick", The Conversation, 8 July 2018.
- "Top job for South African gives African countries sway at the IMF", The Conversation, 29 January 2018.
- "BRICS needs a new approach if it’s going to foster a more equitable global order", The Conversation, 20 September 2017.
- "The G20: a necessary evil that can deliver some benefit", The Conversation, 20 March 2017.
- "South African universities: common problems but no common solutions", The Conversation, 26 January 2017.
- "International standards on sovereign debt and business and human rights: Can parallel lines ever meet?", RightingFinance, 19 January 2017.
- "Trump’s victory is bad – for Africa and for global stability", The Conversation, 10 November 2016.
- "Realisation of Fair and Free Access to Tertiary Education within our grasp", ANC Today, 16 October 2016.
- "What Africa should demand from the next United Nations secretary general", The Conversation, 2 October 2016.
- "Funding model plugs tuition, work and public service gaps", Business Day, 19 September 2016.
- "Draghi must accept ECB contributes to inequality", Financial Times, 19 September 2016.
- "The role of central banks is changing. What South Africans should look out for", The Conversation, 28 August 2016.
- "Public Service Would Help Graduates Pay Back Debt", Mail&Guardian, 8-14 July 2016.
- "What can be done to stop the United Nations abusing its immunity", The Conversation, 26 June 2016.
- "UN is now in a position where it can cause real harm — with immunity", Financial Times, 13 June 2016.
- "The UN secretary-general has the most impossible job in the world", Financial Times, 13 June 2016.
- "South Africa faces difficult times, but disaster is not inevitable", The Conversation, 29 February 2016.
- "Perpetual bonds can help open universities to all who qualify", The Conversation, 2 February 2016.
- "What Paris climate deal can teach us about solving the world’s most complex problems", The Conversation, 17 December 2015.
- "Educating young lawyers on their responsibilities", Financial Times, 2 December 2015.
- "World leaders aim high with transformative declaration", Business Day, 22 September 2015.
- "Action agenda can take Africa forward", Business Day, 31 July 2015.
- "Why we need to tread carefully in drawing up human rights rules for business", The Conversation, 29 July 2015.
- "Funding development: Forum aims to narrow gap between global economies", Business Day, 13 July 2015.
- "ICC: sad lesson of lofty ideals trumped by reality repeats itself", The Conversation Africa, 24 June 2015.
- "Global support for Asian bank may hand SA benefits", Business Day, 24 April 2015.
- "Europe should recall its own debt struggles, and be lenient", Business Day, 13 February 2015.
- "SA must invest in UN's 8 Millennium Development Goals", Sunday Independent, 12 August 2012.
- "Let’s help elect a female World Bank head", Businnes Day, 8 August 2012.
- "Does Kim Signal World Bank Changes?", Council on Foreign Relations, 18 April 2012.
- "Africa calls for World Bank reform after Nigerian denied top post", Los Angeles Times", 17 April 2012.
- "Lessons from L’Affaire Lagarde”, G20 UPDATE - Heinrich Böll Stiftung G20 Update Newsletter, Issue #8 - August / September 2011.
- “Positioning Africa for a Role in Global Economic Governance”, Sunday Independent, 10 June 2012.
- “Campaign for World Bank Head Offers Africa Lessons”, Mail & Guardian, 25 April 2012.
- “We Must Lead in Putting Africa First” Mail and Guardian, 9 March 2012.
Media interviews
- "Danny Bradlow on Kofi Annan's complicated legacy of impressive achievements, and some failures", PowerFM, 21 August 2018.
- "What Africa should demand from the next United Nations secretary general", PowerFM, 4 October 2016.
- "Various sides to the Brexit referendum and it's implications", 702, 23 June 2016.
- "Why creating human rights rules in the workplace is important, but sensitive", 702, 9 September 2015.
- "Why We Need To Tread Carefully In Drawing Up Human Rights Rules For Business", PowerFM, 6 August 2015.
- "Compliance Is A Reflection Of The ICC - Prof Danny Bradlow", PowerFM, 24 June 2015.
Academic Publications
Publications available on SSRN
- The International Legal System: Cases and Materials (co-authors: Mary Ellen O’Connell; Naomi Roht-Arriaza, Diane Disierto) (8th Ed, 2022, Foundation Press)
- Values, Interests and Power: South African foreign policy in uncertain times, Edited by Daniel D. Bradlow and Elizabeth Sidiropoulos (2020)
- A Global Leviathan Emerges: The Federal Reserve, COVID-19, and International Law, Daniel D. Bradlow and Stephen Kim Park Volume 114, Issue 4 October 2020 , pp. 657-665
- Advocating Social Change through International Law: Exploring the Choice between Hard and Soft International Law, Daniel D. Bradlow and David B. Hunter (eds, Brill 2019)
- "Using a Shield as a Sword: Are International Organizations Abusing Their Immunity?", 31 Temple International and Comparative Law Journal pp44-68 (2017)
- "Don't Waste a Serious Crisis: Lessons from South Africa's Debt Crisis", Sovereign Debt Crises What Have we Learned, P. Boholslavsky and K. Rafer (eds) (Cambridge University Press, forthcoming--2017)
- "Can Parallel Lines Ever Meet? The Strange Case of the International Standards on Sovereign Debt and Business and Human Rights", 41 Yale J. Int'l. L. Online 205 (2016).
- "Lessons from the Frontlines: What I Learned from My Participation in the G20", Global Summitry Advance Access published January 21, 2016 (Listen to the podcast: Global Summitry, Episode 3: An Interview with Danny Bradlow).
- “The International Legal System: Cases and Materials”, (co-authors: Mary Ellen O’Connell, Naomi Roht-Arriaza and Richard Scott)(7th Ed. 2015)
- “Negotiating International Business Transaction: A Practical Skills Approach through an Extended Simulation Module Utilizing Collaborative Teaching Methodology” (co-authored with Jay Finkelstein) (Aspen Publishers) (2013)
- “A Framework for Assessing Global Economic Governance” 36 B.C. Int'l & Comp. L. Rev. 971 (2013) and Boston College Law Review, Vol. 54, 2013 (joint issue)
- “The Operational Policies and Procedures of the World Bank and the International Finance Corporation: Creating Law-Making and Law Governed Institutions” 10 International Organization Law Review 3 (2013) (Co-authored with Andria Naude-Fourie)
- “The G20 and Africa: A Critical Assessment”, South African Institute for International Affairs Occasional Papers Series #145 (Economic Diplomacy Programme) (2013)
- “International Financial Institutions and Global Legal Governance” edited by H. Cisse, D. Bradlow and B. Kingsbury (The World Bank 2012)
- “The Reform of the Governance of the IFIs: A Critical Assessment” “International Financial Institutions and Global Legal Governance” edited by H. Cisse, D. Bradlow and B. Kingsbury (The World Bank 2012)
- “How Well Does the G20 Reflect African Interests and Priorities?: Some Thoughts Following the Los Cabos, Mexico Summit”, paper prepared for the South African Foreign Policy Initiative, Open Society Foundation (August 2012)
- “Roundup: Does Kim Signal World Bank Change?” (with 3 co-authors) Council of Foreign Relations at, 18 April 2012
- “Rethinking Global Financial Governance”, The World Financial Review, January-February, 2012
- “Independent Accountability Mechanisms at International and Regional Development Banks” (Co-authored with Andria Naude Fourie in Handbook of Innovations in Transnational Governance, D.Held and T. Hale (eds) (2011)
- “Public Participation and the Private Sector: The Role of the Multilateral Development Banks and the Evolving Legal Standards” 4 Erasmus Law Review”2 (2011) (Co-authored with Megan Chapman) available at:
- “Reforming Global Economic Governance: A Strategy for Middle Powers in the G20” in Going Global, AIIA and Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (May 2011)
- “Europeans Must Pay to Head IMF”, Foreign Policy in Focus, June 9, 2011 available at
- “Reforming Global Economic Governance: A Strategy for Middle Powers in the G20” Paper prepared for the workshop on “Going Global: Australia, Brazil, Indonesia, Korea and South Africa in International Affairs”, Jakarta, Indonesia, May 25-26, 2010 (forthcoming publication)
- “Independent Accountability Mechanisms at International and Regional Development Banks” (Co-authored with Andria Naude Fourie in Handbook of Innovations in Transnational Governance, D.Held and T. Hale (eds) (forthcoming)
- D. Bradlow and D. Hunter (eds) International Financial Institutions and International Law, (Kluwer Press, forthcoming). (The co-editors co-wrote the introduction and conclusion for this book.)
- “The Operations of International Financial Institutions and International Law” in “International Financial Institutions and International Law, D. Bradlow and D. Hunter (eds) (Kluwer Press, forthcoming).
- “Social Bonds: Way for Financial Institutions to Embrace Social Challenge” Business Day, 10 March 2010
- “Developing Countries Debt Crises, International Financial Institutions, and International Law: Some Preliminary Thoughts” 2008 German Yearbook of International Law (only published in 2009)
- “Reforming the Global Financial Architecture: Is Real Change Coming?” Global Dialogue, May 2009 (published by Institute for Global Dialogue)
- “Assessing International Financial Reform" to be published in INTERNATIONAL LAW, ECONOMIC GLOBALIZATION AND DEVELOPING COUNTRIES, J. Faundez, C. Tan, eds., Edward Elgar Press, 2010. (available at:
- “The G20 and Sustainable IMF Reform” on VOXEU on March 18, 2009, (available at:
- “Fixing the IMF”, in Foreign Policy in Focus on March 30, 2009 (available at:
- “ Large Land Deals, Outsourcing and Responsible Development”,, July 24, 2009 (available at:
- “Reconciliation financing: An Innovative Approach to Poverty, Inequality, and Social Conflict” published on VOXEU.COM, available at:
- Written lectures for a 4-Part On-line Course on Global Financial Governance Offered by United Nations Institute on Training and Research (UNITAR) Materials available at SSRN:
- “An Experiment in Creative Financing to Promote Reconciliation and Development In South Africa” in Africa’s Finances: The Contribution of Remittances, R. Bardouille, M. Ndulo and M. Grieco (eds., 2008) ( also available at:
- “The Changing International Business Context and the Challenge it Poses for the Education of International Business Lawyers", Proceedings of the Conference on “The Law of International Business Transactions: A Global Perspective” International Association of Law Schools, Hamburg, Germany, (April, 2008) available at:
- “Training Law Students to be International Transactional Lawyers – Using An Extended Simulation To Educate Law Students About Business Transactions” (Co-authored with Jay Finkelstein) 1 Pepperdine Journal of Business, Entrepreneurship and the Law 67 (2007). (also available at:
- “The Changing Role of the IMF in the Governance of the Global Economy and Its Consequences” 2007 South African Yearbook of International Affairs (2007)
- “Private Finance, Social Responsibility and Transitional Justice: The Case for South African Reconciliation and Development Bonds”, 15:1 Human Rights Brief 7 (2007)
- Regulatory Frameworks for Water Resource Management: A Comparative Study (Co-author with Salman Salman) (The World Bank, Law, Justice and Development Series, 2006)
- Entry on “The World Bank Group” in Robertson, Roland, and Jan Aart Scholte, (eds.) Encyclopedia of Globalization. (New York: Routledge, 2006)
- Differing Conceptions of Development and the Content of International Development Law” 21:1 South African Journal of Human Rights (2005) reprinted in Development and Economic Resources, from Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS), Developed under the Auspices of the UNESCO, Eolss Publishers, Oxford ,UK, available at
- “Private Complainants and International Organizations: A Comparative Study of the Independent Inspection Mechanisms in International Financial Institutions”, 36 Georgetown J. Int’l. L 403 (2005).
- “At the Mercy of Vultures: Sovereign Creditors in the Courts”, in Ad Honorem Ion Dogaru:Studii Juridice Alese, (Rumania, 2005), (with Ruxandra Burdescu)
- “Operational Policies and Procedures and an Ombudsman”, in Accountability of the International Monetary Fund, B. Carin and A. Wood (eds., 2005)
- “Development Decision Making and the Content of International Development Law”, 27 B.C. Intl. & Comp. L. Rev. 195 (2004)
- “The Governance of the International Financial Institutions: The Need for Reform”, 43 Indian Journal of International Law,” 533 (2003).“Best Practices and Key Issues to be Addressed in a Regulatory Framework for Public Debt Management,” (UNITAR Best Practices Series No. 4) (2003).
- “The Changing Context for Negotiations with International Financial Institution and How African Countries Can Respond To It” (UNITAR Discussion Document No. 19) (2003).
- “The Governance of International Financial Institutions: The Need for Reform”, Proceedings of the 2003 Hague Joint Conference on Contemporary Issues of International Law, The Hague, Netherlands, (July 2003) (TMC Asser Press)
- “Regulatory Frameworks for Dam Safety: A Comparative Study” (Co-author with Alessandro Palmieri and Salman Salman) (The World Bank, Law Justice and Development Series, 2002) (book has been translated into Chinese, French and Russian)
- “Should The International Financial Institutions Play a Role in The Implementation and Enforcement of International Humanitarian Law?”, 50 Kansas Law Review 695 (2002)
- The Changing Dynamics of International Financial Negotiations,” MEFMI Forum (December 2001).
- “Lessons From the NGO Campaign Against The Second Review of the World Bank Inspection Panel,” 7 ILSA Journal of International & Comparative Law 247 (2001).
- “The Times They Are A ‘Changin’: Differing Conceptions of Development and the Reform of the WTO,” 33 George Washington International Law Review 503 (2001)
- “Stuffing New Wine Into Old Bottles: The Troubling Case of the IMF,” 3 Journal of International Banking Regulation 9 (2001).
- “The World Commission on Dams and Its Contribution to the Broader Debate on Development Decision-Making,” 16 American University International Law Review 1531 (2001) (reprinted reprinted as “Mediating the Traumas of Techno-Economic Change: A Case Study in Popular Input” in The Future of Peace, N. Kittrie, H. Carazo and J. Mancham (eds) (2003).
- “The Role of the World Bank in Post-Conflict Situations,” Proceedings of the 95th Annual Meeting of the American Society of International Law, Washington, DC (April 2001).
- “Some Lessons About the Negotiating Dynamics in International Debt Transactions” (UNITAR Discussion Document No. 9) (2000).
- “The Review of the IMF’s Enhanced Structural Adjustment Facility” (UNITAR Discussion Documents No. 7) (2000).
- “The Role of The Lawyer in International Debt Operations in Developing Countries” (UNITAR Discussion Documents No. 6) (2000).
- Rapidly Changing Functions and Slowly Evolving Structures: The Troubling Case of the IMF,” Proceedings of the 94th Annual Meeting of the American Society of International Law, Washington, DC (April 2000).
- Cropper, A; Bradlow, D; and Halle M. 2000 “Regulation, Compliance, and Implementation” Thematic Review Paper, Vol. 4. (Prepared as an input to the World Commission on Dams, Cape Town,
Selected Other Publications
- “The World Bank, the International Monetary Fund and Human Rights,” 6 Journal of Transnational Law and Contemporary Problems 68 (1996).
- “A Test Case for the World Bank,” Am.U. J. Int'l. L. and Pol'y 247 (1996).
- “Limited Mandates and Intertwined Problems: A New Challenge for the World Bank and the IMF,” 17 Human Rights Quarterly 411 (co-authored with Claudio Grossman) (1995).
- “International Organizations and Private Complainants: The Case of the World Bank Inspection Panel,” 34 Virginia Journal of International Law 553 (1994).
- “The World Bank's New Inspection Panel: A Constructive Step in the Transformation of the International Legal Order,” 54 Zeitschrift für Ausländisches Öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht 392 (Max-Planck Institute) (co-authored with S. Schlemmer-Schulte) (1994).
- “Are We Being Propelled Towards a People: Centered Transnational Legal Order?” 9 Am. U. J. Int'l. L. and Pol'y 1 (co-authored with Claudio Grossman) (1993).
- “The Case for a World Bank Ombudsman,” Hearings on Appropriations for International Financial Institutions, US House of Representatives Banking, Finance, Trade and Monetary policy (May 1993).
- Testimony on “The Need for a World Bank Ombudsman,” Sub-Committee on International Financial Institutions, Standing Committee on Finance, Canadian House of Commons, Ottowa, Canada (February 1993).
- Legal Aspects of Foreign Direct Investment, (co-editor), (Kluwer Press) (1999).