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Conference of the Association of Human Rights Institutes (AHRI)

Conference of the Association of Human Rights Institutes (AHRI)
Pretoria, South Africa
4-5 September 2020

The future of human rights: Socio-economic rights, equality and development

AHRI cover image 2020

Download the Call for Papers

We live in a deeply divided world. While there has never been a better opportunity to finally rid the world of extreme poverty, the great divide between the haves and the have nots seems to be here to stay. Technological developments will change everyone’s lives, both rich and poor. The future will bring opportunities that were previously unheard of. Access to electricity and connectivity is already improving and with that come improved economic opportunities and hopefully improved health and education. The future also brings many challenges. Some of these challenges are already well known, such as climate change. Others are as yet unknown. How can we move to a more equal world without environmental degradation on a scale that would threaten our very existence? How can the playing field be levelled so that migration comes to mean opportunity and not threat? What do the challenges and opportunities of the future mean for human rights, in particular socio-economic rights?

Socio-economic rights are recognised in international treaties and in many national constitutions. Even where they have not been included in constitutions they have been recognised as fundamental by courts and other actors. The right to life is increasingly understood as not only meaning a right to physical existence but also the right to live life in dignity. How can we ensure that these rights can be claimed by all without discrimination? What is the role of various actors to ensure the actual implementation of these rights (by governments, parliaments, courts, traditional and social media, corporations, NGOs etc) now and in the future?

Join us for the first conference of the Association of Human Rights Institute (AHRI) held outside Europe to ponder these questions.


4-5 September 2020 (preceded by a doctoral workshop, 2-3 September)


Centre for Human Rights
Faculty of Law
University of Pretoria
South Africa


Future Africa Campus
University of Pretoria
South Africa


Registration for the conference will open on: 6 March 2020

The registration fee for the conference is 1 200 South African Rand (ZAR) (75 Euro / 80 USD).
This fee covers lunches, teas and a conference dinner.

Participants are responsible for travel, accommodation and other meals.


Prof Magnus Killander


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