
In an era of global interconnectedness, movement of persons remains a vital driving for improved economic growth. However, in recent years, African visa applicants face disproportionately high rejection rates when applying for Schengen visas compared to other regions. In 2022, Africa nationals topped the list of most rejections with one in three of all processed applications being turned down. This was 12.5% higher than the global average. The rejection rates for Schengen visas are generally 10% higher than the global average and ten times higher than for United states citizens. This article highlights the deep-seated biases in the Schengen visa process and advocates for necessary reforms such an equitable and accessible appeal system which states legitimate reasons for visa denials in order not exacerbate high influx of illegal African migrants risking their lives across the Central Mediterranean- the most deadliest migration routes in the world- to enter Europe.  ensure a fairer and more equitable system.

by Sara Hafidh, Eden Getenet, and Dorcas Ameonu 

The emergence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology in Africa has revolutionised the electoral processes. There are fears that if not properly regulated, the use of AI may cause irreparable injuries to African elections. These fears have prompted discussions on how AI could be effectively regulated and its potential impact on African elections.

by Tendai Mbanje

by Mamadou Saidou Bah & Marie Rebecca Jolicoeur

South Africa should change its policy of burdening visa applications for Africans. The country is one of the most difficult countries for Africans to travel to because its visa application is complex and applicants face numerous challenges. Nationals of only 20 African countries can travel to South Africa with no visa of which 13 are from the Southern African Development Community (SADC) countries (see table below 1), yet holders of  at least 28 different European passports can freely enter the country.

by Usani Odum

This year, the African Union commemorates the 30th anniversary of one of the biggest human calamities to have occurred on the continent. From April to July 1994, an estimated one million Tutsis were slaughtered by their Hutu countrymen in Rwanda. In the wake of the genocide, Rwanda rolled out numerous transitional justice mechanisms to help piece together its broken society, including accountability measures.

by Bonolo Makgale 

The year 2024 is an extraordinary year for elections in all its hazardous glory as it sets the record for the greatest number of people living in countries that are holding elections. More voters than ever in history will be heading to the polls in at least 64 countries representing a combined population of about 49% globally. Many of these votes will test the limits of democracy, while others will be exercises in rubber-stamping the results of which, for many, will prove consequential for years to come. Yet, these elections are taking place against the backdrop of a relentless global evolution of digital technology which has ushered in a new era of unprecedented challenges in the democratic and political space . In an era of data manipulation and the growing influence of artificial intelligence, democracy stands at a critical crossroads. 

by Prof Frans Viljoen

The Mauritius Supreme Court has declared unconstitutional a law that criminalises consensual same-sex acts between adult men. The decision boosts the trend in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) region towards decriminalisation. Now, a slight majority – nine out of 16 member states – do not prohibit gay and lesbian sexual relations.

The Centre for Human Rights, Faculty of Law, University of Pretoria (the Centre) stands in solidarity with the global community in observance of World Radio Day, celebrated on 13 February annually. World Radio Day emerged from a proclamation in 2011 by UNESCO member states before being endorsed by the UN General Assembly in 2013. The day is commemorated in recognition of the significance of radio as a medium for accessible communication across the globe.

By Prof Magnus Killander

The International Court of Justice (ICJ) will be holding public hearings on 11-12 January at the Peace Palace in The Hague, the seat of the court, in a case brought by South Africa against Israel. South Africa has accused Israel of violating the 1948 Genocide Convention in its military bombardment and siege of Gaza, which started after the deadly 7 October Hamas attack on Israel. Both Israel and South Africa have ratified the genocide convention. We [The Conversation] asked human rights and international law expert Magnus Killander for his insights.

By Bonolo Makgale and Nyasha M Mpani

"The revolution cannot triumph without the emancipation of women” — Thomas Sankara. Women on the African continent make up 50% of the population. Yet they continue to face discrimination, inequality and lack of access to equal opportunities. 

By Dr Msipa Roux

The current legal obligation on South Africa in terms of domestic and international law and legal precedent is absolutely clear: the government must arrest and surrender Vladimir Putin to the International Criminal Court (ICC) should he enter South African territory.


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