
We are honored by your interest in our work. This report provides a detailed account of theWe are honored by your interest in our work. This report provides a detailed account of thekey activities that we undertook in the course of 2023. This report demonstrates our continuedcommitment to the advancement of human rights protection especially in the African context.We continued to pursue our mission through excellence in academic teaching and learning,research and publication, and advocacy to advance the promotion and protection of humanrights. The need for these interventions is immense, especially in the African context where thecapacities of key human rights actors to pursue implementation and accountability for humanrights protection is greatly constrained. Against a background of the shrinking resource basketand competing needs, the contribution of the Centre to the advancement of human rights anddemocracy remains an invaluable investment.

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The academic programmes of the Centre continued to excel, producing world class human rightsand democracy advocates with the skills to lead the change we need to navigate the human rightschallenges of our times. The Centre also continued to produce high numbers of doctoral graduates,who contribute to knowledge and add an African voice to the human rights discourse on human rights. In 2023, the Centre reached hundreds of law students throughrights. In 2023, the Centre reached hundreds of law students throughthe Christof Heyns African Moot and the Nelson Mandela World Mootcompetitions, and hundreds of other human rights professionalsthrough the advanced human rights short courses. Collectively, theseinitiatives bolster the capacities of key stakeholders to advance anddemand accountability for the realization of human rights in theregion. The ongoing engagements with policy makers, public officialsand civil society through our Units as documented in this report madeit possible to sustain dialogue and facilitate evidence and learning toensure that human rights commitments are respected.

One of the most significant markers of the year for us was a transitionOne of the most significant markers of the year for us was a transitionin leadership. In 2023, the long serving Director of the Centre, Prof.Frans Viljoen, stood down from the role. This paved way for myappointment as the Acting Director. I stepped into this role with a lotof trepidation, especially being fully aware of the vast responsibilityof safeguarding the Centre’s credibility in human rights educationand advocacy in Africa and beyond. There is no doubt that I steppedinto very big shoes. In the course of my time as the Acting Director, Ibenefited from incredible support and good will from friends, partnersand colleagues near and far. Our mantle in 2023 has been that we areall directors, and the Centre is our shared responsibility. The smoothtransition, and continued excellence in the work of the Centre isthe testament that indeed, this mantle has come to bear.

In the midst of a busy year, some developments left a particularlyIn the midst of a busy year, some developments left a particularlydeep mark on us. On the 21 st of January 2023, our brother andfellow human rights defender was savagely murdered at his home inKingdom of Eswatini. Mr. Thulani Rudolf Maseko, a fearless advocatefor human rights and democracy in the Kingdom of Eswatini, waskilled for what we believe is his relentless advocacy for democracyand human rights in the country. He had remained steadfast in thecall for respect for human rights and democratic governance in hiscountry, even in the face of severe persecution, including unjustimprisonment. Thulani was an alumnus of the Centre, from the HumanRights and Democratisation in Africa class of 2005. We continue tomourn his death, and commit to pursue justice for his murder, andthe continuation of the causes for which he paid the ultimate price.

2023 also marked 20 years of the adoption of the Protocol to the2023 also marked 20 years of the adoption of the Protocol to theAfrican Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights, on the Rights on ofWomen in Africa. The Protocol is rightfully hailed asa trail blazer in theprotection of women’s rights. At a minimum, it brought the questionof women’s equality into the political and governance alleys of theAfrican Union, with trickling effect to the national levels. While it’sambitious goals are yet to be achieved, a lot of progress has beenmade. The Centre joined other women’s rights advocates across thecontinent to take stock of the successes and challenges since itsadoption, and to adopt directions for the future. One highlight tomark this milestone was the Centre’s publication of a Commentary onthe Maputo Protocol, as well as a book on its implementation invarious African countries.

2023 was indeed an eventful year. As we reflect on the many events2023 was indeed an eventful year. As we reflect on the many eventsand achievements documented in this report, I wish to extent my andthe team’s appreciation to everyone who made the year successfuland fruitful for the Centre.We thank you for your support.


Prof. Nkatha Murungi



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