
The Community Law Centre at the Kara Heritage Institute, the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University (George Campus) and the Centre for Human Rights, University of Pretoria cordially invites you to a symposium on land, heritage and human rights.

pdfDownload Section 25 of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa (Property)

Event details

Date: Wednesday, 19 April 2017
Time: 08:30 – 16:30 (includes lunch)
Venue: Protea Hotel Pretoria Manor - Marriott (Corner of Burnett and Festival Streets, Hatfield, Pretoria)
RSVP deadline: 18 April 2017 at 09:00
Enquiries: Ms Thuto Moratuoa Hlalele (thuto.hlalele@up.ac.za | Tel: 012 420 3587 | www.chr.up.ac.za)

Limited seating is available and guests are encouraged to RSVP well in advance.


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