The African Journal of Privacy and Data Protection (the Journal) is domiciled in the Faculty of Law, University of Lagos Akoka-Lagos, Nigeria but will be published once a year by the Pretoria University Law Press (PULP) South Africa. The Journal will be peer reviewed and is open access. The second issue of the Journal is expected to be published in August/September of 2024. The Editorial Board of the Journal hereby invites Articles, Book/Reviews and Notes/Comments on various aspects of privacy and data protection generally and perspectives on and from the continent of Africa in particular.
Themes of papers to be submitted
Original and well researched researched papers focused on contempary privacy and data protection issurs generall and ion Africa and African countries are most welcome.
Main Objectives of the Journal
The Journal aims to promote African expertise and literature on Africa in the area of privacy and data protection.
More specifically, the Journal aims to:
- foster African-centred research and knowledge generation on privacy and data protection;
- fill the critical knowledge gap in this area as well as encourage privacy and data protection discourse from an African perspective;
- facilitate access of African scholars to new and developing knowledge in this area as well as showcase African scholars and perspectives to the world.
Submission of abstracts and timetable
- Authors interested in submitting a paper to the Journal should submit abstract of 300 words by 30 April 2024.
- Abstracts should contain the title of the paper, a short description of its focus, the methodology to be adopted, a brief overview of the issues to be explored; and the expected findings or insights.
- Submissions should be emailed to, decisions on abstracts will be communicated by 31 May 2024.
- Draft manuscripts of accepted abstracts are expected by 31 July 2024.
Guidelines for the Submission of Draft Manuscripts
- The Journal shall be published in the English language.
- Only manuscripts that meet the objectives of the Journal identified above will be published.
- The Journal only publishes original works of the authors that have not been published elsewhere and authors, by submitting a manuscript to the Journal, are warranting that the submissions are original unpublished works.
- The proposed style guidelines for the Journal is the PULP style guidelines
- The articles should contain an abstract of 150 to 300 words.
- The articles should contain the author’s name, affiliation and qualification
- The preferred length for all manuscripts submitted to the Journal is as follows:
(a) Articles: 6,000 to 10,000 words (subject to double- blind peer review);
(b) Book Reviews: 1,500 to 2,500 words (subject to internal review);
(c) Notes/ Comments: 3,000 to 5,000 words (subject to internal review). - Authors are to ensure that their articles are not plagiarized works and do not infringe the copyright of other authors as the Journal takes the issue of plagiarism and copyright infringement seriously.
Form of Publication of the Journal
- The Journal is double-blind peer reviewed
- The Journal is purely online and will also be available on PULP’s website at
- The Journal is open-access, registration with Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) and other fitting organisations will be sought.
Conflict of Interest
The Journal requires all authors to declare if they have any conflict of interest in relation to their manuscripts submitted to the Journal. Please direct any correspondence or enquiries to the Journal’s Editor as follows:
Dr. Akinola Akintayo
Managing Editor