
The Centre for Human Rights, Faculty of Law, University of Pretoria, invites applications for a two-day capacity-building training on litigation of sexual and reproductive healthrights (SRHR) claims before national and regional mechanisms in Africa. The training will be held for three days (Wednesday 14 - Friday 16 August 2024) in Pretoria, South Africa.

 Download Call for Applications

The Centre for Human Rights will cover the costs associated with the participation of successful candidates in the training, including an economy class ticket, accommodation,cost of visa application, meals, as well as airport pick up and drop off.

Participants will be required to arrive at the venue of the training (in Pretoria) on 13 August, attend the training on 14 to 16 August, and depart on Saturday 17 August 2024.

Please note that there are limited spaces available.

About the training

The training is intended to provide stakeholders on the African continent with the the theoretical and practical competencies necessary to effectively litigate SRHR claims before nationaland regional mechanisms. Our goal is to see an increase in the number and quality of SRHR cases litigated before adjudicating mechanisms, particularly those addressing issues that have not yet received sufficient attention The training will emphasize these themes: the normative standards on SRHR; overview of the gaps and opportunities in litigation of contemporary SRHR issues in Africa; as well as the procedural aspects and strategies for effective litigation of SRHR claims before national and regional mechanisms. Facilitators at the training will be drawn from academics and practitioners experienced in SRHR issues and litigation before national and regional bodies on the African continent.

Participants must be individuals whose work focuses on or regularly interfaces with SRHR litigation issues at any of the following stages: identification/referral and conceptualisation of cases, legal representation, adjudication, and policy implementation.

Application procedure

Applications must be submitted on or before Monday 10 July 2024 to:






 The application must include a one-page statement of motivation and a 2-page CV. The motivation statement must detail the applicant’s: organisation (or firm), qualification and litigation experience; extent of involvement in litigation of SRHR before national and African human rights mechanisms; the core SRHR issues/ themes covered in their work; and how they envisage the training to contribute to their work in the short, mediate, and long term.

Successful applicants will be informed of their selection by Friday 14 July 2024.


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