
A side event during the 73rd Ordinary Session of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights

The Centre for Human Rights, University of Pretoria, Equality Now and ICJ-Kenya cordially invite you to a side event to introduce the Guidelines to stakeholders on the side-lines of the 73rd Ordinary Session.

Event Information

Date: 24 October 2022

Time:13:00-14:00 GMT

Venue: International Conference Centre, Kerr Serign, The Gambia (Main Hall)

RSVP: Susan Mutambasere

Download invitation

Introducing the Guidelines for shadow reports of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights

An essential component of the State Reporting processAn essential component of the State Reporting processis preparation and submission of Shadow Reports to theAfrican Commission by interested individuals, includingCivil Society Organisations (CSOs). Shadow Reporting isuseful in providing additional and alternative informationthat aids the African Commission to gain a more holisticunderstanding of the human rights situation of a State.Shadow Reports enable the African Commission to get amore comprehensive picture of the human rights situationin the country under consideration by providing it withindependent information. Shadow Reports are submittedto the African Commission in terms of Rule 79(3) of theRules of Procedure of the African Commission (2020).

Cognisant of this role that Shadow Reports play in theCognisant of this role that Shadow Reports play in theState Reporting process and mindful of the need to havea harmonised format in which Shadow Reports should bedrafted to increase efficiency of the examination of theState Reports, the African Commission during its 72ndOrdinary session adopted guidelines to this effect.

For more information please contact:

Susan Mutambasere

Kennedy Kanyali

Joanne Mutonga


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