The 27th edition of the African Human Rights Moot Court Competition started on an illustrious note, on 6 August 2018, at the University of Ghana, Accra, when H.E Nana Akufo-Addo, the President of Ghana officially opened the event.
The African Human Rights Moot Court Competition remains one of the largest gatherings of students, academics and judges around the theme of human rights in Africa. As in the past 27 years of the African Moot Court Competition, the Moot has brought together teams from all over the African continent – this year, there are 48 teams from 15 African countries.
The hypothetical case, which participants in the Moot argue, this year challenges issues relating to the human rights of older women. The hypothetical case is in line the Centre’s campaign to advance the rights of older women under the theme #AgeWithRights. One of the aims of this campaign is to ensure the accelerated ratification by African states of the Protocol to the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights on the Rights of Older Persons. No state has yet deposited its instrument of ratification of this treaty. It is hoped that the host country, Ghana, which has signed the Protocol, would be one of the first states to ratify it.
The Moot is a continuous catalyst for the establishment of the leading programmes in the field of human rights teaching and research in Africa. University of Ghana Deputy Vice Chancellor, Professor Francis Dodoo, speaking at the opening ceremony, noted: "The #AfricanMoot has shaped how human rights are viewed throughout Africa and unites African students and academics to engage in #HumanRights like no other meeting."
The Centre for Human Rights wishes all participants the best of luck at the first Moot sessions which kick off bright and early on 7 August 2018. As you argue with determination, consider the remarks by the Director of the Centre, Prof Frans Viljoen: “As much as the teams understandably consider winning the Competition to be important, participants should also remember that winning against oneself, by overcoming one’s fears and anxieties, and winning over new friends, are equally important.”