The students on the LLM/MPhil programme in Human Rights and Democratisation in Africa are assigned to human rights clinics which contributes to the work of the Centre’s research units and give the students practical experience and advance the Centre’s mission towards the realisation of human rights in Africa.
- Older Persons Campaign
The Unit had already been embarking on a campaign on the rights of older persons, which entails calling for the ratification of the Protocol on the Rights of Older Persons in Africa. The campaign is dubbed #Agewithrights
Contribute a chapter to the Older persons publication on the state of older persons in Uganda
Undertake a social media campaign on twitter targeted at South Africa to ratify the Older Persons Protocol
- Shadow reporting
The Women's Rights Unit periodically submits shadow reports to the African Commission on different issues.
Draft a shadow report to Malawi’s state report on the Maputo Protocol.
The report focuses on 3 themes: Rights relating to marriage, Violence against women and Rights of specially protected women.
- Maternity Policy
The University of Pretoria Maternity policy is discriminatory towards non-permanent staff (who constitute the majority of the Centre’s staff).
Non-permanent staff are only afforded 6 weeks of paid maternity leave while permanent staff are given 3 months.
Draft a policy brief directed to the University of Pretoria highlighting the discriminatory aspects and giving recommendations for improving the policy for non-permanent staff.
Clinic Members: 2020