Tanya Tintswalo Magaisa | Pretoria, South Africa
- BSoc.Sci Philosophy
Previous experience
She is an Associate in the Africa Division of Human Rights Watch. A graduate of the University of Cape Town, while at University she focused her time on community service and human rights work, eventually being awarded the Lawrence Miller Memorial Award for her services. In November of 2022, Tanya was recognized as one of Africa's 100 Brightest Young Minds by Brightest Young Minds (BYM), a non-profit organization which hosts an annual Summit for the most impactful young leaders on the continent. Tanya is currently reading for an LL.M in Multidisciplinary Human Rights (MDHR) at the University of Pretoria's Centre for Human Rights.
Academic fields of interest
- Refugee and Migration Law
- International Humanitarian Law
- International Human Rights Law
Position prior to the programme
Associate at Human Rights Watch