Country / Where did you grow up:
Kumasi, Ghana
Academic qualifications:
MSc Psychology, University of The West of Scotland, United Kingdom
Bachelor of Education (Social Studies), University of Cape Coast, Ghana
I have over 4 years’ experience in teaching and mentoring of children and young people from the basic to the high school level of the Ghanaian educational System. I have also worked in various psychology capacities with SRS care solutions and black & black care solutions, where I engaged in assisting in the care and management of children, young people and the aged dealing with anxiety, bullying (especially those on the cyberspace), depression, challenging behaviour, dementia and other psycho-social issues including those on sexual and reproductive development.
Academic fields of interest:
My academic and research interest centres on sexual and reproductive health and rights as well as the effectiveness of legal provisions meant to guarantee and safeguard such rights, particularly in Ghana. I am also interested in research that deals with young people and children safety behaviour on the internet. Specifically, I am interested in the link between the psycho-social factors like personality, the dark triad and their effects on online behaviour like cyberbullying/victimisation, cyberfraud and also the theoretical backing that fuel these behaviours.
Position prior to the programme:
Prior to this programme, I worked as an assistant social and psychological care provider.