
2nd Nelson Mandela World Human Rights Moot Court Competition

University of Pretoria, South Africa 8-9 December 2010

world moot posters 2010

Hypothetical case

pdfDownload hypothetical case

Official results

The official languages of the 2010 Moot were English and French.

Fifteen teams were invited to participate in the preliminary and final rounds in Pretoria. Three teams from each of the different UN regions were paired against one another to determine the regional winner. Then, three preliminary rounds (three per UN region) took place. The two regional winning teams with the highest scores will compete against each other to determine an overall winner in the final round.

 Preliminary/memorial rounds

The top university in the preliminary rounds was:

Philippines: Ateneo de Manila Uni

Regional rounds

Best Teams per UN Region

The top 5 universities from the pre-final rounds are:

African Region: Tie between Midlands State University, Zimbabwe and University of KwaZulu-Natal
Asian Region: Ateneo de Manila University, Philippines
Western Europe and others Region: University of Sydney, Australia
Eastern European Region: Vlinius University, Lithuania
Latin America and the Caribbean Region: University of the West Indies Norman Manley Law School, Jamaica

Best Oralists

Students are scored individually for their oral presentations.

West Indies Norman Manley Law School, Jamaica: Mr Merrick Ricardo

Final Round


University of Sydney, Australia.


West Indies Norman Manley Law School, Jamaica
Mr  Mevrick Watson 
Ms Lori-Ann Green

Final Round Judges

  • Judge Anita Ušacka, Judge of the Appeals Chamber of the International Criminal Court in The Hague;
  • Judge Mark Villiger, European Court of Human Rights;
  • Judge Florence Ndepele Mumba, former Judge of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia;
  • Ms Yanine Poc, Regional Representative of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights in Southern Africa, Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights; and
  • Mr Uli Parulian Sihombing, Executive Director of the Indonesian Legal Resource Center (ILRC).


  1. University of Pretoria, Faculty of Law.
  2. Regional Office for Southern Africa (ROSA) of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights.

Participating Universities

Three teams from each UN Region were selected


1. Kenya: Catholic University of Eastern Africa
2. Mauritius: University of Mauritius
3. South Africa: University of KwaZulu Natal


4. Philippines: University of the Philippines
5. Philippines: Ateneo de Manila University
6. India: Hidayatullah National Law University

 Eastern Europe

7. Hungary: Debrecen University
8. Romania: Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj Napoca
9. Lithuania: Vlinius University

 Latin America & Caribbean

10. Trinidad and Tobago: Hugh Wooding Law School
11.  Jamaica: University of the West Indies Norman Manley Law School
12. Puerto Rico: University of Puerto Rico

 Western Europe & Others

13. Australia: University of Sydney
14. Australia: University of New South Wales
15. Switzerland: University of Lucerne




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