
Mlondi Nsibandze HRDA 

Mlondi Nsibandze | Mbabane, Eswatini

LLB (UNISWA) - Eswatini

Previous experience

After serving articles of clerkship with the Attorney General's Chambers, I was admitted as an Attorney of the High Court of Eswatini. I joined the National Mechanism for Reporting and Follow up (NMRF) Unit under Ministry of Justice and Constitutional Affairs responsible for monitoring the Implementation of Human Rights treaties ratified by Eswatini, preparation of treaty implementation reports for treaty bodies consideration and following up of recommendations issued by treaty bodies. whilst serving under the NMRF, I had the privilege to be part of the team that compiled the following country reports: ICCPR, CRC, UPR, CRPD, African Charter, Maputo Protocol amongst others.
Prior to joining the NMRF, I served at the Correctional Services - Legal Affairs Unit that advise on legal matters and human rights standards to be observed. I was part of the team that developed Correctional Services Regulations and other operational instruments.

Academic fields of interest

International and Regional Human Rights Law, with specific focus on human rights mechanisms, treaty reporting and implementation as well as and communications procedure to treaty bodies

Position prior to the programme

Senior State Reporting Officer - National Mechanism for Reporting and Follow up (Ministry of Justice)



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