Oluwatosin Senami Adegun | Lagos, Nigeria
Bachelor of Laws, University of Lagos, Nigeria
Previous experience
Oluwatosin has a degree in law from the University of Lagos, Nigeria. Since her call to the Nigerian bar in 2012, she has practiced law in couple of law firms based in Lagos, the last firm being Olympus Law Partnership. Over the years, she has focused on litigation particularly litigating human rights cases, general civil matters and criminal cases.
Based on her interest in human rights particularly with regard to the protection and promotion of children's rights in Nigeria, she co-founded ISH-61 Human Rights & Social Justice Initiative in year 2020, and she doubles as the Director of Litigation and Research of the organization in furtherance of her work to advance human rights in Nigeria through litigation, advocacy and public enlightenment especially on issues affecting children, women and persons with disabilities.
Through ISH-61, she has litigated several human rights cases including the matter challenging the Lagos State's government's policy which made tax payment a pre-condition for children to access basic education in the state owned primary and junior secondary schools, and Nigeria's lack of uniform child protection law. She has also advocated for the creation of committees specifically for children in the legislative arm of government at the national and state levels among others. As a believer in human rights education of the people, she started "My Right" on Facebook where she shares basic human rights principles to educate the public, and the project has gained over 6,000 followers.
Academic fields of interest:
Children's rights, socio-economic rights, freedom of expression and digital rights, right to privacy and data protection
Position prior to the programme
Director (Litigation & Research) of ISH-61 Human Rights & Social Justice Initiative