
Sinesio Job Sambo

Sinésio is a Mozambican lawyer trained at Eduardo Mondlane University. Prior to joining the HRDA programme, he worked as an associate at the Maputo-based law firm TPLA – Taciana Peão Lopes Advogados & Associados, Lda., where he focused his practice on key areas for sustainable development, most notably energy and projects. Apart from private practice, he is an active member of a non-profit organization (Associação de Informação Jurídica – Jus Moz) devoted to the empowerment of ordinary people through the promotion of legal awareness. His expectation of the programme is that the same equips him with the theoretical underpinnings and practical skills required to effectively address development-related human rights and democratization concerns from an African perspective. Furthermore, he is keen to forge lasting relationships with human rights defenders from around the continent and eminent human rights academics from around the world. 


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